King's Business - 1961-03

Bring Joy to One of These SPONSOR A KO REAN O R P H A N — You Can For Only Pennies A Day



S . M I L L E R

SETTING Front-door steps of the parsonage. CHARACTERS Eleven year old daughter of the Parsonage Family. Thirteen year old friend of daugh­ ter. THEME OF DISCUSSION Plans for “when I’m a grown lady.” “ I don’t know yet if I’ll go to col­ lege. It takes more money and brains than we have at our house. I’m gonna get married, and I don’t have to go to college for that!” “No, you don’t,” Althea responded. “ But my mother says a woman usual­ ly makes a better wife, the better your education the better equipped you’ll be to serve the Lord.” “ Don’t you want to get married? Don’t you think money is important?” “ Sure, I’ll want to get married someday. But my dad says money can’t buy the things of true value. And before I think of marriage I want to get my education first so that I’m ready to serve the Lord wherever He leads. I know if I do get married my husband will have to be a Christian.” “Well, my dad isn’t a Christian and he’s just as good to us as your dad is!” “ I don’t doubt that, Paulette. But being a good dad or nice husband isn’t going to get him to heaven. And if he doesn’t love the Lore! and you do, you won’t agree about spiritual things and then you’ll not have a happy home life.” • “Whoops, I hear Mother calling me. We’ll talk about this again, A l­ thea. S’long.” A grateful mother went back to her housework with a new song of praise in her heart. She rejoiced in the sure testimony of her small daugh­ ter to her neighbor-friend. She earn­ estly prayed that God would keep these truths vital and relevant to Al­ thea when she comes to the place of major life decisions in a few years. “ O Father, garrison the hearts and minds of my children. May they early leam to ‘Keep (their) heart(s) with all diligence, for out of (them) are the issues of life’ ” (Prov. 4:23). MARCH, 1961

Search The Faces Above. One W ill Appeal To You And Move Your Heart. A ll Hope For A Loving Sponsor Experience the blessing your action will bring. For only $8 a month— just 26 pennies a day— you can provide complete care for a boy or girl including school tuition which is not free in Korea. Ask a friend to be a co-sponsor with you__ only $4 each monthly— or interest your Sunday School, Bible Class, Youth Group, Ladies Society, etc. Share the thrill of sponsoring these dear orphans. H EA RT BR EAK ING STORIES A BO U N D You will receive the picture and history of the child that you select and can write and receive letters in reply. Any parcels of toys or clothing you may want to send will be gratefully acknowledged with a letter and a picture. The story of each child is pitiful. For instance:—Key Hyun, designated LI, never knew his mother. She died when he was bom. The neighbors cared for him for three years. His father, a common laborer, could not obtain work to earn a living even for himself. In despair he committed suicide. The neighbors then took Kee Hyun to the Seoul Children’s Shelter for temporary care. Shortly after he was received into our HEAVEN’S LOVE ORPHANAGE. Hundreds of new sponsors are desperately needed right now so we can give laving care and Christian education to our present children and take in many more wandering the streets desolate and hungry. Each orphan is waiting to have a beloved foster “Daddy or Momrnie” or big “Brother or Sister.” What an opportunity for joy and blessing for YOU! And what a chance to raise up a boy or girl to be a Christian leader in Korea so greatly in need of the Lord and the saving gospel. Write or phone now!

THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N., INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive Dept. K-3 Chicago, 31, Wl. CLIP AND MAIL TODAY----------------------------------- j □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. M y choice is N um ber----------- If this child has already been “ adopted,” I agree to support another whom you will select. With God’s * help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have I my child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ full year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. □ I cannot “ adopt” a child but want to help by giving $. □ Please send me further information. Name Address ----------------- _ City — .....— ----------- -------------- Zone ------ State .........................., Gifts of any amount art welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. The Everett Swenson Evangelistic Ass'n. Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-3, 4848 N. Leonard Dr., Chicago 31, III. GL. 6-4181

The ESEA, an intedenomina- tional non - profit missionary corporation, is caring for over 6000 orphans, children of lepers and war widows. Over 6 mil­ lion meals are served annual­ ly. Many more children are in desperate need, homeless rag­ ged and hungry and cold. Help us expand our 71 Homes. Each one is a real Christian institu­ tion with Staff and Board mem­ bers earnest Bible •believing Christians. Children are taught the Bible, Christian songs and earnestly pray. Each child is led to receive Jesus as his per­ sonal Saviour.


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