like ours. But they are not taught what to believe or why they should believe it. No wonder they are turning more and more to ideologies which are the direct antithesis of Christianity. These anti-Christian views are taught with zeal, fervor, and authority that should put to shame weak and ineffectual so-called Christian teachers. They make every conceivable effort to indoctrinate their stu dents, and it is paying off to a distressing degree. Com munist leaders are declaring openly and fearlessly their plans and programs for indoctrinating into their atheistic and anarchistic ideology the youth of every nation, espe cially those at the college and university level. Pro ponents of the evolutionary hypothesis are perfectly open, outspoken, and bold in their effort to indoctrinate in the theory of evolution the young men and women who sit in their classes. Those who deny God's Word and all of the great historic doctrines of the Christian faith are fear less in their endeavors to urge upon young people an utter repudiation of these truths which born-again Christians hold so dear. At the same time, so-called Christian leaders piously proclaim that it is not "our purpose to indoctrin ate our young people" in the things that they ought to believe. Every one of Paul's epistles, under the inspira tion of the Holy Spirit, is an impassioned plea for just such indoctrination of churches and individuals. Such indoctrination has been the primary purpose of the true church from its beginning to the present time. Great preachers of the past, as well as those of today, indoc trinate their hearers in the truths of the Bible. But when it comes to Christian institutions of higher learn ing, are we to be told in a flippant manner, "it is not our purpose to indoctrinate"? When Christian institutions fail in this high and holy purpose, they are on the road to spiritual oblivion. Such betrayal of objective always re sults in the complete disappearance of spiritual reality in the life of the college itself. It may be claimed in defense of this article hitherto referred to that the author's objection is to the type of indoctrination which he defines as follows: "Indoctrina tion is the process in which a teacher transmits his in formation, interpretations, prejudices, etc. to passive students who sit, listen, write what they hear and attempt to return it on examinations." This is about as inadequate a definition of the teaching philosophy as one could imag ine, and the author's definition of the word indoctrina tion in no way modifies the blanket criticism which he makes of the very concept of indoctrination itself. With the exception of the most exacting sciences where facts and figures are studied, there is no teacher alive who does not transmit his information, interpretations, and preju dices either in favor of or against the material he presents to his classes. As a matter of fact, a teacher may not say anything but may reveal his views by the mere intonation of his voice. Furthermore, if a professor is worthy of his position, he will make every effort to keep his students from becoming "passive" but will inspire them to active thinking. Today the Christian college has one of the greatest responsibilities and most glorious opportunities in the history of civilization to measure up to the tremendous challenges of the hour. A living and lively faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, as He is revealed in the Word of God, is the only way of peace and rest and salvation to anyone. (Concluded on page 17)
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MARCH, 1961
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