Mr. Paul Pontier, pilot for Missionary Aviation Fellowship, was at the con trols of a new Cessna 180 airplane, dedicated last month at the Fullerton headquarters of MAF, and headed for
Dr. Charles Eshelman, Dr. Don Hillis, Dr. Merrill C. Tenney and Dr. Melvin Lorentzen will be featured teachers during the fifth annual Summer In stitute of Missions scheduled for June 13 to July 21 at Wheaton College. Dr. Enock C. Dyrness is registrar for Wheaton’s Summer School program. Dr. Charles E. Fuller, founder-director of “ The Old Fashioned Revival Hour” was honored with the presentation of
This will interest YOU . . . Our field representatives meet Christian men and women quite frequently who are looking for places to invest their money. Most of them need a return on their savings. Some are considering investments in stocks. But, because of their limited knowledge of stocks and bonds, they are reluctant to buy. Others hesitate because of market fluctuations, uncertainty of dividends, etc. And some tell us of disappointing ex periences on their investments. * * * Without exception, all are looking for security . . . a guarantee that they will be assured of a generous income. Some thing they can count on as long as they- live . . . in good times or bad . . . regard less of whether the stock market is up or down. But they’re interested in something else, too. * * | You should see their faces light up . . . when we tell them about the double dividends provided by Moody Annui ties. When we tell them that Moody Annuities assure them of a generous, guaranteed income as long as they live (up to 8M% depending on their age) . . . plus a share in the Lord’s work . . . they’re overjoyed! And when we tell them that every annuity is backed by all the resources of Moody Bible Institute, and that MBI has never missed a single payment in almost 50 years . . . they are convinced that it’s the plan for them! W O U L D Y O U L IK E T O R EC EIV E D O U B LE D IV ID E N D S ON Y O U R MON EY? We’ll be happy to send you the free book let, double dividends , which explains the
MAFs' new airplane.
the Republic of Congo. The mission organization already operates 25 light aircraft in under-developed areas of the world. Mr. Herbert Klingbeil and Miss S. D. Hogue members of the Correspondence School of Moody Bible Institute, have just completed a revision of the Sco field Bible correspondence course. As sisting in the project from the MBI day school faculty were Dr. G. Coleman Luck, Mr. Donald Wise, and Mr. Walter Dunnett. Mr. Harold Shaw, manager of the publications division of Moody, also announces that the well known Bible study courses, tracts, and books by Dr. Keith L. Brooks have been taken over by the midwest organiza tion. Dr. Paul E. Freed, president of Trans World Radio, reports that progress continues rapidly on the construction of the organization’s antenna system in Monte Carlo. Formerly known as the Voice of Tangier, TWR has been on the air daily with its new 100,000 watt transmitter. The complete sys tem is expected to be in operation this month. Mr. William G. Nyman, secretary
Dr. Fuller receives award.
a special plaque by the American Broadcasting Company in honor of his completion of 36 years of con tinuous broadcasting. The program is heard weekly over some 600 radio stations around the world. Dr. Joseph W. Hemphill, pastor of the Union Church of San Gabriel, Cali- I fomia, invited newly elected John H. Rousselot to be guest of honor in a
Moody Annuity Plan in detail. Contains a chart showing income rates for all ages, explains tax bene fits and tells you all about the many ministries of Moody Bible Institute in which you'll have a share. CLIP AND MAIL COUPON TO O A Y I
Rev. Hemphill and Congressman Rousselot.
recent morning service. The Congress man was presented a copy of the Bible with his name and title en graved on it. Mr. Rousselot won the s e a t which former Vice-President Richard Nixon held when he first started in politics. The church hopes that other congregations will be led to follow a similar practice relative to inviting elected officials to church. Rev. Robert Kranmg has been appoint ed the first full-time Youth for Christ director for Salt Lake City. He for merly served in the Los Angeles office of YFC.
emeritus of t h e Wycliffe B i b l e Translators, Inc., passed away Jan uary 10 in Glen dale at the age of 76. He had for merly served on the Board of Di
Write Annuity Dupartmunt Dept. K-l-36-5
MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago IQ, Illinois Please send me, without obligation, information relating to: □ M oody Annuity Plan. □ Wills.
William Nyman
rectors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Mr. Nyman served without salary with Wycliffe which has grown to the sixth largest Protes tant missionary organization in the United States.
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