Chiro1Source - April 2020


Top Mental Strategies for Your Fitness Routine FINDING MOTIVATION ON THOSE TOUGH DAYS


A Chiro1Sou

Whether your New Year’s workout routine is finally embedded in your schedule or you’re still trying to make it happen, always remember that your mind is just as important as your body. On some days, you may feel like anything is possible, and on others, it may feel impossible to even get out of bed. Don’t worry, that’s totally normal! There’s no reason to feel ashamed if you’re struggling with gaining steam and motivation for your workout. Here are some mental strategies to help you get firmly into your routine this year and the years to come.

If you read the first edition of this newsletter, you probably remember that Chiro1Source started in a double-wide trailer where Josh and his father, founder Dr. Cecil Walker, lived in a maze of boxes until the company took off. This month, we sat down with Cecil to talk about those early days and the dream that got Chiro1Source off the ground.

Getting to the Gym

What’s the hardest part of working out? For most people, it’s not the heavy weights or the long cardio sessions — it’s actually stepping into the gym. Sometimes, people will wake up and think that the gym isn’t possible that day as they lay in bed. Some people will psych themselves out of working out because their time is limited, or they worry about how tired they’ll be after the workout (especially after or before a busy day). Instead of thinking of reasons you can’t or don’t want to go, focus your mind only on the task of getting there. Stepping into the gym will often give you the mental push to actually work out. It’s also best to leave the all-or-nothing mindset behind — a 45- or 55-minute workout isn’t required every single gym session. Life happens, and even if it’s a short exercise, your workout will actually energize you for the rest of your day.

“I can vividly remember Josh coming in the door, and the only way he could get his trombone to where it needed to be was to carry it over his head because there were so many aisleways, mainly made from pillows!” Cecil recalls, smiling at the memory of teenage Josh. “It was floor-to-ceiling boxes of pillows.”

At the time, it was just Cecil and Josh against the world, working to make Cecil’s dream for Chiro1Source a reality. Before jumping into the chiropractic supply industry, Cecil spent 20 years running a chiropractic office. That’s how he realized there was a hole in the market for a chiropractor-run chiropractic supply business.

Pushing Yourself to the Limit

Studies have found that the most successful people share grit: the ability to work hard and endure even the most difficult times. Workouts will burn, and the motions may feel uncomfortable or even painful, so it’s crucial to have the grit to push yourself to the limit. Rather than give up, you should embrace the pain and see it as a sign you’re growing stronger. Adjust your inner vocabulary. Anything that seems “uncomfortable” should be reconsidered as “intense” but something you can work through. Of course, be careful of injury pains!

“I felt like a chiropractor was going to have a better feel for what a chiropractor would need than the arm of a medical supply house would,” he says.






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