1. Open data policy
3. Open data portal
This dimension focuses on the existing open data policies and strategies in participating European countries. The national governance models and the measures, also at the regional and local level, applied to undertake these policies and strategies are analysed. To achieve this, the dimension is based on the same three indicators from previous years: the policy framework, open data governance and open data implementation. On 21 December 2022, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138 was published. This regulation defines six categories of high-value datasets: geospatial, Earth observation and environment, meteorological, statistics, companies and company ownership, and mobility. The regulation establishes that public sector bodies in Member States must make data available for reuse, free of charge.
This dimension focuses on the analysis of the national open data portal. It carries out an in-depth analysis of advanced features and functions, providing a successful user experience. Additionally, the dimension assesses the extent to which portal administrators use web analytics tools to better understand the needs and behaviour of their users and update a portal’s features in line with the information obtained from these analyses. This dimension examines the coverage of open data in different domains, as well as the approach and measures established to ensure the portal’s sustainability.
4. Open data quality
This dimension focuses on the measures taken by the portal managers to ensure the systematic collection of metadata from sources throughout the country, as well as the updating of available metadata and, whenever possible, actual data. Compliance with the DCAT-AP metadata standard, currently published in version 2.1.1, is monitored, as well as the quality of the implementation of the published data. Quality assessment elements are provided for portal managers and policy makers, such as the use of open data in formats and licences, whether the data is machine-readable and of high quality, and is suitable for a linked data approach.
2. Impact of open data
The second dimension analyses the willingness, readiness and capability of European countries to measure both the reuse and impact of open data. Firstly, the dimension investigates how countries are prepared to measure the level of reuse and impact of open data within their territory. This reflects the first indicator, strategic awareness, which was also used in previous editions of the study. Secondly, the emphasis is on whether countries measure open data reuse, with what methods and in what way. Lastly, the dimension focuses on collecting data on the impact created within the four impact areas that have been considered in previous open data maturity assessments, namely government (formerly political), society, the environment and the economy.
Next, Table 1 shows the measurements used for each of the dimensions:
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