Open data reuse in Spain. Update 2024


Table 2. Dimensions and levels of MELODA 5

Dimensions (max. 61 points)


Licence (max. 6 points)

1: private use 2: non-commercial reuse 3: commercial or unrestricted reuse

Access to information (max. 6 points)

1: access to dataset via website or URL single parameters 2: single access to the website with parameters referring to individual data 3: API or query language 1: closed reusable standard or open non-reusable standard 2: open reusable standard 3: open standard, with individual metadata 1: own standardisation model 2: own standardisation model or published ad hoc (coordination)

Technical standard (max. 6 points)

Standardisation level (max. 10 points)

3: local standardisation 4: global standardisation

Geolocated content (max. 6 points)

1: without geographical information 2: simple or complex text field 3: with coordinates or complete geographical information 1: above one month 2: monthly: with update periods between 1 month and 1 day 3: daily: with update periods between 1 day and 1 hour 4: every hour: with update periods from 1 hour to 1 minute 5: in seconds: update period less than 1 minute

Data update rate (max. 15 points)

Dissemination (max. 6 points)

1: non-systematic communication/dissemination 2: available resources on updates (e.g. social media feeds) 3: proactive dissemination / push dissemination (automated information at certain times)

Reputation (max. 6 points)

1: no information about the reputation of the data source 2: statistics or reports are published based on the opinions of users 3: rankings or indicators based on the reputation of the data source

Source: Abella, Ortiz de Urbina Criado & De Pablos Heredero (2019: 6).


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