Table 17. SWOT analysis: strengths and opportunities
Strengths 2023
Strengths 2021
Opportunities 2023
Opportunities 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the real
European regulation on the implementation of high-value datasets.
There has been a substantial improvement in the knowledge of data reusers on the part of data portal managers. Data reuse has increased at local and regional levels. Adequate metrics are in place to measure the capacity to reuse open data on portals (MELODA 5). Increased maturity level of open data portals. Almost all portals publish data under licences that allow commercial or unrestricted reuse. About 40 % of datasets are on portals with a high level of reputation. Citizens and the publisher themselves have increased the number of services developed with open data. The number of services that have an identified business model has increased. A significant percentage of portals think that reusing data leads to frequent or permanent improvements in public administrations. A high percentage of datasets are in the highest category with proactive dissemination. Existence of a reputation ranking of open data portals.
Discussion forums, data-specific feedback systems and rating systems. Increased digitalisation of business processes (COVID-19 outcome). Increased interest of companies in data quality. Increased “data culture”. Increased publication of open data. Increasing size of the infomediary sector. High degree of awareness of the usefulness of open data. High degree of awareness of European regulations in the six categories of high-value public datasets. High percentage of automated access to data. More than 50 % of published datasets are on optimally mature portals. Nearly 100 % of the data is licensed for commercial use. 94 % of portal managers know the reusers of the data they publish. Data portal managers are largely aware of product or process innovations that are generated with their data.
need for data. Increased data
The interest of EU countries to understand and capture open data reuse and value creation.
dissemination thanks to the trend towards federated open data. Agile standardisation allows rapid adoption of standards. Dedicated European funding for open data. Dumping of statistical data on open data portals.
The war in Ukraine has generated the need to generate open data in areas such as energy, food, national security, etc. The EU’s priorities for 2019–2024: the European Green Pact, Europe fit for the digital age, an economy that works for people, a stronger Europe in the world, promoting the European way of life. Advances in the IoT and artificial intelligence. Spain among the trend- setting countries in open data maturity. The open data reputation ranking.
Increased societal demand for data (digital literacy).
Source: Own authorship based on Abella, Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado, De-Pablos- Heredero and García-Luna (2021) and the results of the 2023 report
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