Open data reuse in Spain. Update 2024



international group of experts for MELODA 5. This report presents a reputation ranking that takes into account the MELODA dimension that assesses it. These ranking complements those presented in the 2021 report.

The analyses carried out have shown that the percentage of ineffective portals (PODP) is still close to 50 %. This is an indication of the lack of updating of open data portals in recent years. Moreover, other data supports this idea, such as the fact that, according to MELODA, the degree of reuse of their datasets is low and that few (23.31 %) have a section to show the applications or services that have been developed based on them. We can continue to observe that the General State Administration has consolidated many portals on, resulting in a large part of these deregistrations. Only six portals have been identified that federate data between them (they replicate links to the data), which initially facilitates its dissemination. Approximately one third of the portals analysed have a mechanism for announcing updates to their datasets. This is an increase of 70 % compared to the 2021 report. This may be due, among other reasons, to the elimination of PODPs from the analysis. There is a very significant 84.70 % increase in the availability of an API for data access, but this increase is also explained by the elimination of PODPs, seeing as in these cases, one of the requirements they do not meet is having an API. The use of data management software (DMS) has increased to 72.40 %, which is a slight increase (6.00 %), even taking into account the removal of PODPs.


Data federation is highly developed on just a few portals (six).

As in the 2021 report, there is still a massive amount of publication of data from statistical sources on open data portals. Despite the maturity of the sector, there is still a high percentage of data in formats not suitable for reuse (6 % compared to 6.7 % in 2021). In 2023, 77.10 % of the data published does not contain the description of the data model used (it does not follow a public standard), making it difficult to consolidate common data from different sources. This figure is also very similar to that of 2021, but for practical purposes represents a decrease considering that PODPs have been eliminated. There has been a change in the issue of commercial licensing, with restrictive licences at 0.33 % in 2023, compared to 5.00 % in 2021. The availability of geographical references within the published datasets has worsened: in 2021, 49.00 % were not geolocated, and in 2023 this figure is 63.60 %. In terms of update frequency, there has been a small improvement, with 78.00 % being updated more than monthly in 2023, compared to 92.00 % in 2021.

Assessing the reputation of open data publishers was one of the recommendations made by an


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