Open data reuse in Spain. Update 2024


• Continuous collection of open data in Spain. The reports published so far have been biennial (2017, 2019, 2021), but work is underway to develop tools that allow data collection to be carried out in a more automated way, although the main obstacle is the divergence of publication mechanisms (García Luna, 2022). • Applications and services that use open data. As in previous reports, further efforts have to be made to improve the information available on the use of open data, as this will help to better analyse its impact and the value creation it can generate.

• Data for sustainability. The circular economy and climate change are two issues that concern society today. However, there are still no initiatives that aim to standardise and make open data available in these areas, so it remains a challenge to analyse their effects, especially in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Similarly, there is no consensus on how to measure and evaluate it from the perspective of the private sector and corporate social responsibility. • Open data observatory. The creation of an open data observatory can stimulate the updating of portals and help launch initiatives to make improvements to the aspects recommended in this report.


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