Open data reuse in Spain. Update 2024


4.- Indicate to what extent (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always) reusers operate at the following levels. [European]

4.- Indicate to what extent (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always) reusers operate at the following levels. [Other]

5.- Indicate to what extent your entity has carried out any kind of activity to promote the use of your data (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always). [Application contests]

5.- Indicate to what extent your entity has carried out any kind of activity to promote the use of your data (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always). [Internal events (organised by your entity) for presenting the available data] 5.- Indicate to what extent your entity has carried out any kind of activity to promote the use of your data (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always). [External events (organised by other organisations) for presenting the available data]

5.- Indicate to what extent your entity has carried out any kind of activity to promote the use of your data (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always). [Meetings with reusers (of any type)]

5.- Indicate to what extent your entity has carried out any kind of activity to promote the use of your data (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always) [Other (indicate in the notes at the end of the questionnaire)]

6. Indicate to what extent these types of innovations are produced by the reuse of data (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always) [Product innovation]

6. Indicate to what extent these types of innovations are produced by the reuse of data (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always). [Process innovation]

7. Indicate to what extent data reuse has created value in the following areas for the entities using the data or for their clients/users. (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always). [More satisfied clients] 7. Indicate to what extent data reuse has created value in the following areas for the entities using the data or for their clients/users. (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always) [More satisfied citizens] 7. Indicate to what extent data reuse has created value in the following areas for the entities using the data or for their clients/users (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always). [Environmental improvement] 7. Indicate to what extent data reuse has created value in the following areas for the entities using the data or for their clients/users (scale 1–5, where 1: no data/never and 5: all data/always). [Infrastructure improvement: security, health, transport, etc.]


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