Coastal Plains Golf - EOP 2022

(SFFO5SVTU(PMGBOE4QPSUT5VSG1SPHSBN8PSLTIFFU Program Year: October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 Early Order Period: October 1, 2022 through December 8, 2022

Rebate Redemption Value for 2023 (per pkg) $ 109.38 x $ 95.00 x $ 42.50 x $ 359.38 x $ 81.25 x $ 18.50 x $ 102.75 x $ 31.50 x $ 93.75 x $ 182.81 x $ 89.06 x $ 890.63 x $ 67.50 x $ 27.50 x $ 67.50 x $ 31.50 x $ 110.00 x $ 266.25 x $ 6,262.50 x $ 31.50 x $ 75.00 x $ 125.00 x $ 196.25 x $ 143.75 x $ 72.50 x

Number of Pkgs Purchased in Early Order Period

Qualifying Purchase Amount



Qualifying Distributor Products (Package Size)


On-Fertilizer Products

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Acelepryn G (25 lb) Acelepryn (4 oz)


Fertilizer with Acelepryn loads < 0.058 Fertilizer with Acelepryn loads < 0.067 Fertilizer with Barricade loads < 0.30% Fertilizer with Barricade loads of 0.30% to < 0.40% Fertilizer with Barricade loads of 0.40% and higher

Advion ® Fire Ant Bait (2 lb) Advion Fire Ant Bait (25 lb)

$ 17.00 x


Advion Insect Granule (25 lb) Advion Insect Granule Bait (1 lb) Advion Insect Granule Bait (12 lb)

3.00 x



4.00 x



Barricade 4FL (4 oz) Caravan ® G (30 lb) Endeavor ® (15 oz) Fusilade ® II (1 qt) Fusilade II (2.5 gl) Headway G (30 lb) Heritage G (10 lb) Heritage G (30 lb) Heritage SC (4 oz)

5.00 x



Acelepryn and Barricade on-fertilizer purchases made from October 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 count toward establishing the yearlong rebate percentage.

Meridian 0.33G (40 lb) Pennant Magnum ® (1 gal) Pennant Magnum (30 gal)

Primo Maxx (4 oz)

Princep ® Liquid (2.5 gal) Princep Liquid (2.5 gal) p

Reward (1 gal)

Scimitar ® GC (1qt) Subdue ® GR (25 lb)

Tenacity (8 oz)

Yearlong Rebate Calculator

Choose the On-line calculator that is right for you: Visit to determine your potential GreenTrust 365 ® savings earned from your purchases of Qualifying Products made during the Early Order Period.

AgronomicPro GOLF • Choose a tailored Agronomic program and input your acreage • Your order will be calculated to maximize your savings with: - Optimal product volumes - Configurations including Multipaks & Pallets

Basic Savings • Know exactly what you want to order? Enter quantities into the Basic Savings Calculator and see your GreenTrust 365 savings. - GreenTrust 365 savings

Savings Plus • Select products & volumes from your own agronomic program • Your order will be calculated to maximize your savings with: - Optimal package sizes - Configurations including Multipaks & Pallets

- GT Bonus Booster Rebate - Plan it Your Way Rebate

- GT Bonus Booster Rebate - Plan it Your Way Rebate

- GT Bonus Booster Rebate - Plan it Your Way Rebate

Syngenta provides Program Worksheets and Rebate Calculators as tools for estimating rebates, but disclaims any warranty of accuracy or completeness of the conclusions derived from the same. 1BZNFOU5FSNT End-user payments for purchases of Qualifying Agency Products made during the Early Order Period are due to Sales Agents by June 20, 2023. Prices and terms for Syngenta Qualifying Distributor Products are determined by the Syngenta Authorized Distributor/Retailer. To achieve Volume Discount Pricing described herein, Minimum Purchase Quantities for applicable Qualifying Agency Products must be identified on one invoice and shipped to one location from one Syngenta Authorized Agent. "EEJUJPOBMCFOFGJUTPGUIF4ZOHFOUB(SFFO5SVTU(PMGBOE4QPSUT5VSG1SPHSBNBSFEFTDSJCFEBU(SFFO5SVTUDPN 'PSBOZRVFTUJPOT QMFBTFDBMMZPVS4ZOHFOUBUFSSJUPSZNBOBHFS 4ZOHFOUB"VUIPSJ[FE%JTUSJCVUPS"HFOU3FUBJMFS PSUIF4ZOHFOUB $VTUPNFS$FOUFSBU4:/(&/5 "    Scimitar GC is a Restricted Use Pesticide. (SFFO5SVTUDPN 5 y June 20, 2023.

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