King's Business - 1951-12

still,” but “ be silent,” or “ slow down.” That this earth did at one time slow down will finally be shown from purely scientific grounds, in the last point of this present chapter. The second scientific objection of the critics is equally fallacious. Driven from the previous point, the critic says, “ The earth could neither stop nor slow down, as this is contrary to known law.” To which we reply, “How much law do we know?” The law of inertia is modified by the law of velocity. It is a fact that objects heavier than air cannot float through the air, but an airplane weighing tons will fly with ease if it has sufficient speed. We know so little of natural law that we cannot say what may be done and what is impossible, in this particular realm. Let us also contemplate another perti­ nent question, namely: Who made this law or these laws? Law is predicated upon two postu­ lates. The first requisite for law is a being or body of sufficient power to establish that law. The second essential is a being or body of sufficient power to enforce the law. So that if there is law in the natural world, behind that law is the Law-Maker and the Law-Enforcer. It goes without saying that the body that makes a law may rescind, amend, or retract that law. But is this long day of Joshua con­ trary to known law? Is it lawfully im­ possible for this earth to have stopped or Slowed down? There are exceptions to “natural law.” We do not know much ■law, and what we do know may in al­ most every case be excepted. As an instance, let us look at the mathematical law of the motion of satellites. This law may be stated thus: “ All satellites advance from west to east around their primary bases.” The earth moves that way around the sun. The moon moves that way around the earth. Mars has two moons, and they and the parent planet move that way around the sun. Jupiter has five moons; they all advance that way around their parent planet. This is the established law of the satellites; that they must advance from west to east around their primary. But the planet Uranus has four moons, all of which violate this law by retrograde motion! Instead of advanc­ ing from west to east, these four satel­ lites advance from east to west, thus violating this “established law!” No man knows a reason for this. In humorous moments we have sometimes thought that the Creator put these four satellites in reverse just to show us that He has a reverse gear, if He chooses to use it! Or that He wished to show that even if He established a law, He himself was superior to that law, and could do the reverse if He so desired! This is a pleasing thought, and we chuckle whenever we contemplate it; but whatever the reason may be, here is an orderly established proceeding that seems to be contrary to natural law!

“ Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel , Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. “And the sun stood still, cmd the moon stayed, until the people avenged them- solves upon their enemies « . • • So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day” (Josh. 10:12,13).

Sir Edwin Ball, the great British astronomer, found that twenty-four hours had been lost out of solar time. Where did that go, what was the cause of this strange lapse, and how did it happen? The answer may be expected in vain from sources of human wisdom and learning! There is a place, however, where the answer is found. And this place is at­ tested by a scientist of standing. There is a book by Prof. C. A. Totten of Yale, written in 1890, which establishes the case beyond the shadow of a doubt. The condensed account of his book, briefly summarized, is as follows: Professor Totten wrote of a fellow- professor, an accomplished astronomer, who made the strange discovery that the earth was twenty-four hours out of schedule! That is to say, there had been twenty-four hours lost out of time. In discussing this point with his fellow- professors, Professor Totten challenged this man to investigate the question of the inspiration of the Bible. He said, “ You do not believe the Bible to be the Word of God, and I do. Now here is a fine opportunity to prove whether or not the Bible is inspired. You begin to read at the very beginning and read as far as need be, and see if the Bible can account for your missing time.” The astronomer accepted the chal­ lenge and began to read. Some time later, when the two men chanced to meet on the campus, Professor Totten asked his friend if he had proved the question to his satisfaction. His col­ league replied, “ I believe I have defi­ nitely proved that the Bible is not the (Continued on Page U0) Page Thirteen

The long day of Joshua may be con­ trary to known law also, but there it is; it happened. The final “ scientific” argument of the critic is equally unavailing. It is a weak and ineffective bleat from the blind lead­ ers of the sheeplike blind. When driven from every supposedly strong position, they say, “ Had there been such action as Josh­ ua records, there would have been ac­ companying phenomena that would have left indelible record.” This is a just contention, and we recognize it the more gladly because there were just the phenomena de­ manded. And they did leave their rec­ ord. First: the untimely and unseasonable storm of hail. This would be the first result to be expected in such an event. Second: the darkening of the sun at midday. Third: the. lengthening of the day by half, which has left an incontrovertible and scientific record in the skies. Summary: the writer concludes, “ nev­ er was such a day seen before it or since, when the Lord fought for Israel. ’ In those words we have the answer to every question the human mind can raise. The details are scarce. There is not room to comment on the event. But every question is answered there before it rises in that one trenchant sentence, “ God fought for Israel.” It was simply divine interposition. The final testimony of science is that such a day left its record for all time. As long as time shall be, the record of this long day must remain. The fact is attested by eminent men of science, two of whom I quote here.

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