King's Business - 1951-12

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What should you give for Christmas this year A sweater for Mother, which moths will ruin? A brief case for Dad, which, will scuff and scar? A football for Junior? A doll house for sister? A basket o i ' for pastor? Or should you choose gifts this year, in the light of eternity? A home transformed through the salvation of a father? A boy’s heart turned to the ministry? •A pastor’s faith renewed to lead his people in right paths? What should you give, in the light of eternity?. - ' • : - HERE ARE BOOKS YOU LAX. GIVE WITH " ■


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PRAYER -— Asking and Receiving

î H m ■ H i m THE HOME : Courtship, M arr iage , and Children By Dr. John R. Rice. Often two people who founded a home in sweetest anticipation find i O l there are problems and difficulties for which |«¿1 they have no answers. There are answers— >'***= Bible answers, and this book shows the way. Chapters on principles of successful mar­ riage, wives subject to husbands, normal sex life, the blessing of children, discipline, family worship, cooperation with church and school, .tery, divorce, making Christ head of the home, and many others. Written by a father of six, this book is practical, sane, inspiring, steeped in the Bible itself. 381 large pages, 22 chapters, family record, bound in scarlet cloth, $2.50. adul- IMMANUEL—"G o d with U s !” By Dr. John R. Rice “. . . Appeals to me as much or more than anything I have ever read from the pen of this great man,” says Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., President Bob Jones Univer­ sity. Six moving passages on the Saviour: His Command Announced, His Incarnation, His Atoning Death, His Glori­ ous Return, His Coronation, His Invitation. Wonderful for Christians and unsaved friends at this Christmas season. Crimson cloth, gold stamping, 157 pages, $1.50. SWORD BOOK OF TREASURES Wouldn’t you like to know how a bearded Mohammedan nobleman caused Clinton Howard to write his message on the name of Jesus, “ Pearls of Paradise” ? Here also is the

By Dr. John R. Rice. Here is a book that shows the way to everything you need to make a happy, useful Christian, a blessed, victorious Christian! Practical, down-to- earth, based on proof from the Bible and years of personal experience of this beloved author. Full of Bible teaching. Shows hin­ drances to prayer, tells how to pray in the will of God, grow in faith, really get things from God, and live the joyful life of daily answered prayer. 120,000 copies in print, cloth bound, 328 pages, $2.00. HOUSEHOLR SALVATION It is difficult to describe the fresh, pungent, sparkling ser­ mons of Evangelist John Linton. With an inheritance of rich Scotch humor and sober spiritual insight, he is delightful to read, easy to understand, but with a depth challenging to the most thoughtful. Nine intriguing chapters, 126 pages, cloth, $1.50. THE ANGEL’ S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Lovely 32-page booklet for your use as Christmas card. By Dr. John R. Rice. Sparkling white crystallon cover, presen­ tation page, mailing envelop. A simple, earnest message on thé birth of Jesus. 25c each, 10 for $2.00, 26 for $5.00

stirring story of seven Russian soldiers, captured by the Finnish army, how they found Christ and went singing into Heaven. Here Dr. Bob Jobes tells the most interest­ ing story he ever heard. Have you heard how 5,000 athe­ ists crowded to hear D. L. Moody preach, and how 500 of them sprang to their feet crying, “ I will, I will take Christ!” Seventeen other remarkable messages and sto­ ries by great men of God. 352 thrilling pages, cloth, $2.50.



A thrillin g CHRIST­ MAS TIME ON THE FRONTIER. The children were praying for skates and a doll. The pastor and hi: « wife faced a bitter cold, empty, hungry Christ­ mas— and deepest despair. The simple, true story of how God answered prayer will thrill you. Free with order on this blank.


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Sword of the Lord Publishers, Dept. K Wheaton, Illinois Enclosed please find $___________________ _ Please send the following by return mail: _________ The Home $2.50 _________Immanuel $1.50 _________Prayer $2.00 ____»_____Sword Treasures $2.50 1_________ Household Salvation $1.50 --------- Angel's Christmas Message, 25c each, 10 for $2.00, 26 for $5.00.

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