King's Business - 1951-12


E. J. Pace's Pictorial Calendar

By James H. Jauncey, M.A., B.Sc., B.D., TH.D.

Head of the Department of New Testament at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People’s Groups

1952 JANUARY * 1952 3 © c m 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t o 11 1 3 1 3 14 15 1 6 17 1 8 1 9 2 0 21 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 3 6 3 7 2 8 3 9 3 0 31 3B3 m i

A big 12x18 in. cartoon calendar with a different cartoon each month. Single copy 35c; 3 copies $1.00; 12 copies $3.50; 25 copies $6.75. 50 copies $11.50 Dealers write for quantity discount FAITHFUL WORDS PUBLISHING CO. 2116 S. Jefferson Ave. St. Louis 4, Mo.

Jan. 6, 1952 W H A T D O Y O U N E ED T O L IVE ? Luke 4:1-4

This is a great topic with which to begin the year for with this brand-new year ahead of us; everyone of us wants to live it to the very limit, joyously, successfully, victoriously, usefully. Let us be done with that great lie of the devil which would suggest that the sur­ rendered Christian says “ good-bye” to real living and spends his days in self­ affliction and pious misery. Our Lord insisted that He had come to bring life and that more abundantly. The Great Delusion When in the wilderness our Lord was tempted to change the rounded stones into barley loaves, it was not just a personal temptation. He knew He had the power to transform that whole wil­ derness of stones into a vast storehouse of bread that would feed the multitudes. He knew too that the masses would follow anyone who would supply their physical needs. What an easy way to a kingdom! No Cross needed here! This is the way of Communism which seeks to save the world through economic reform. No wonder the Saviour rejected it. “ Man shall not live by bread alone.” But this is a stock temptation which is used for every person in every age. Thousands of us now live under the de­ lusion that happiness lies in wealth or the search for it. Material things can­ not bring abundant living. They can only add to one’s pleasure when more fundamental needs have been satisfied. I shall never forget that the most un­ happy woman I have ever met was also the richest person I ever came across. She owned five million dollars!

Life Personified Our Lord’s secret for living is that it comes from every word of God, every way in which He expresses His message. The supreme way in which God has expressed Himself to supply the needs of hungry hearts is in Christ. He was God manifest in fiesh, the Word of God (John 1), the Bread of Life (John 6). In conversion Christ enters the life which means that the living Bread be­ comes part of the inner personality. To satisfy the need, God not only gives the gifts but He gives Himself. We begin to live when we have Christ the Life within our hearts. Without Him, living abundantly becomes merely an academic question. Life Abundant In the Scripture passage given as the basis for this topic we notice that life comes from every word of God. As we have seen, this starts with the indwel­ ling Christ who brings about spiritual existence. But if the process stops here, living can never have the vital changes described by the word abundant. The indwelling Christ must be allowed to permeate the personality to express Himself in daily living so that He can be the great Word which can minister to us the words of instruction which can be our spiritual bread from day to day. Seeing that the Bible is an expression in writing of the words which have pro­ ceeded out of the mouth of God, this is a constant source of nourishment which will enable the Christian to feed on the

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