King's Business - 1951-12

this is most clearly shown by the sacri­ fice of the Cross whifch was the world’s greatest expression of the rage of Satan and yet in the foreknowledge and good counsel of God became the world’s greatest good. The fires of satanic struggle merely serve to preserve the immortal soul in its essential purity. Hence, a man’s worth must ultimately be measured in the scales of God rather than in the scales of man. Body and Soul In the history of the Christian church this outlook on personal worth and value of soul has led to two great dangers. One of them is asceticism which feels that the body should be neglected and made to suffer in every way possible. This is heresy because in this material world the only way in which the soul can be developed, or the spiritual life deepened, is through the actions done in the body. Because Christ comes into the soul in regeneration the body is the temple of the living God. This means it must be regarded as sacred, cared for with the best means at our disposal knowing that the inner soul may suffer if its house is neglected. The other great danger is libertinism. This is the false teaching that only spiritual things count and therefore you can sin with your body as much as you like and that will still be on the plhne of matter. Nothing could be more false. The deeds done in the body are the deeds, and the only deeds, that will determine the life of the soul. If a person rejects Christ while in the body his soul is lost for eternity. If a Christian is worldly and indifferent his spiritual life may be impoverished for the whole of eternity. If these two heresies are to be avoided it can only be achieved through an attitude which regards the body and its material en­ vironment as being the soul’s oppor­ tunity. QUESTIONS-FOR DISCUSSION For what would God blame the rich fool? (Luke 12.) What was the particular triumph of the martyrs? What does it mean to be crucified with Christ? What is the difference between self- denial and asceticism?

Investment for Eternity Our Lord’s first words on this subject clearly outline the fact that He feels that the investment of life in material things is foolish and for two reasons. First, such investment is precarious and unstable. There are too many unpre­ dictable contingencies. The stored up treasures can be dissipated through moths and rust and the wickedness of men. Second, the investment is not available at the time of greatest need, that is, beyond the grave. There are no pockets in graveclothes. When the spirit begins its journey across the Great Divide, it can take with it only spiritual treasure. There can be no real security in investment for time. Treasures in Heaven The vision that enables one to lay up treasure in heaven comes from a clear understanding of God’s ultimatum, God or mammon. Mammon is the representa­ tion of material wealth. If we make earthly treasure our end in life then mammon is our God. The eye has to be single, that is, the attitudes of the life must be clearly directed towards one end, the Kingdom of God. This does not mean the withdrawal of interest from earthly possessions, but it does mean that they are used instead of worshiped. Time, talents, money, property, even living itself become the* avenues along which the purposes of Christ’s Kingdom are realized. In so doing, these material things become invested in spiritual treasure which provides an eternal se­ curity which will appear as gold, silver, and precious stones at the Judgment Seat of Christ. The Answer to Worry This wonderful passage from the Ser­ mon on the Mount gives us the answer to that great destroyer, worry. It is not usually overwork which gives the ulcers to the business executive, it is the pressure of the care and responsibility. Many nervous breakdowns are due to worry alone. We worry about our bod­ ies, our prestige, our future, our financ­ es, all because we put an exaggerated emphasis on the importance of our ma­ terial well-being. If we have a vision that will enable us to see that the insecurity of the temporal need not af­ fect our treasures in heaven, we would

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Security is usually a matter of invest­ ment. You invest in the State by means of taxes and in return receive protec­ tion, social security and other necessities of life. You invest your money in stocks, bonds, and savings accounts so that you may have a “ nest egg” for future years. So in a deeper sense the real security follows the wise investment of the life.

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