King's Business - 1951-12

not worry. There is an old saying which goes: It is not the force of the gale but the cut of the sail that determines the way we go. We need to lean back in the arms of God and know that with our eyes on His Kingdom we shall not want any good thing. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION What is security? How could a millionaire avoid laying up treasures on earth? In what way will the treasures in heaven be expressed? What practical steps should be taken every day to avoid worry? Jan. 27, 1952 C O M M IT T E D T O CH R IST (Denominational Day) 2 Cor. 5:17; Eph. 4:20-32 It is very fitting that the topic for today which is Denominational Day is entitled, Committed to Christ. In the New Testament we do not know of any such creatures as independent or free lance Christians who were surrendered to Christ and yet who did not express this surrender through the Church which Christ founded. The Church is the Bride of Christ and he who neglects her wounds our Lord very deeply. The first expression of this loyalty is in the local church, but the local church in order to carry on a more effective min­ istry is in association with other churches of similar convictions and pur­ poses and this is called a denomination. It is a pity that to some a denomina­ tion is a fetish to be worshiped and to others a bogey which is to he hated. Instead, the denomination is intended to be an expression on earth of the great Church Invisible. Committed to Christ in Daily Living One of the most yearning appeals of the Holy Spirit which occurs in the whole of the Bible occurs in Romans 12 where He urges that the Christians at Rome give their bodies as a living sac­ rifice to God with the purpose that He may use these for the salvation of oth­ ers. But nevertheless, although the need for such a committal is extremely ur­ gent, yet God demands that before a person can be used his life must be holy and acceptable to the God of righteous­ ness. This is the essence of the second Scripture reading quoted above. There is nothing worse than the Christian who uses his religion as a mere whitewash to hide corrupt living. The surrendered Christian must be eager to live up to the highest principles of Christian living laid down by the New Testament. He must be so crucified with Christ that pride and selfishness will be negligible so that his heart can go out in practical love for other Christians within the fellowship of the church. The power of the church fellowship will depend upon whether or not there is sin within the camp. t H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

In the Tabernacle in the wilderness, what is the type suggested by: The incorruptible wood cov­ ered with gold? The foundation o f silver? The purple (blue and scarlet) ? “ baken in an oven” ? One entrance to the Court? WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW THE ANSWERS? DR TALBOT gives them in his unique Course

One of 19 BIOLA


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558 Sooth Hope Street

Los Angeles 17, CeMomln

AGrimChristaFacesHebrewChristians InEuropeAndPalestine Life for Hebrew

writes: “We have three children. It is often impossible to prepare a decent meal, as vic­ tuals are very scarce. Though for us Hebrew Christians life is doubly hard in the Holy Land, yet we have firm faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. We are so thankful for all you are doing to help us in our struggle to he true to Christ.” For these needy Hebrew Christians in Eu­ rope and in the Holy Land, and especially on behalf of orphan children and the aged, we implore Christians to help us at this Christmas season. Remember the words of our Lord: “Unto the least . . . my brethren.” $10.00 will pay for a big, nutritious food parcel for a needy family in Europe or in Israel. $10.00 a month will support a Hebrew Christian orphan in our Children’s Home in Germany. An up-to-date News Letter of bur work in Europe and Israel will be gladly sent on request.

Christians in Europe and in the Holy Land is very grim. One of these Hebrew Chris­ tians, living behind the iron curtain, wrote: “Life is very hard here. After the tortures I suffered in the Nazi camps, my heart has been injured. I earn monthly only 600 flor ins, equal to $6.00. Food is hard to obtain and prices are exhorbi- tant. My wife and child are ill from starva­ tion diet.” Another writes: “We have no greater joy than when we receive your glorious food car­ tons. We would have starved long ago had we not received help from you in America.” From Palestine where there is an appalling food shortage an earnest Hebrew Christian Rev. Jacob Peltz

Address communications to: The International Hebrew Christian Alliance U.S.A. Rev. Jacob Peltz, PH.B., B.D., Secretary 4919 N. Albany Ave. Dept. K Chicago 25, Illinois Page Twenty-eight

Canada 91 Bellevue Ave. Toronto, Ontario

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