King's Business - 1951-12

A PENNY A DAY (N ot such a, large sum to invest for eternity) Will give spiritual sight to the blind HOW? For information write to THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND «3» East 141st Street - ■ - New York 54, N. Y. Chas. E. Gremmels, P res.; J. E. Bennet, Treas.

ordinances of the old dispensation. Think of the incongruity of using a piece of unshrunken cloth to patch an old garment (v. 36) ! Imagine the dis­ aster in trying to store new wine which will yet ferment into old leather bot­ tles (37)! So it is impossible to identify the law and the gospel. They are rad­ ically different. Helps For the Children Jesus Called Matthew Matthew 9:9-13; Luke 5:27-32 Memory Verse: “He left all, rose up, and followed him” (Luke 5:28). Matthew was a rich man; he had a steady job; but he was unhappy and hated by those who knew him. He was a tax collector, and most tax collectors were dishonest and stole money from the people in their towns. One day the Lord Jesus passed by the place where Matthew was working. As Matthew sat before the table where he received the taxes, the Son of God said, “ Follow me.” We do not know whether or not the Saviour said more to Matthew, but so lovingly did He speak the words and so attractive did He make the invita­ tion, that God’s Word tells us that Mat­ thew “ arose, and followed him.” Mat­ thew made a great feast at his home and invited the Lord Jesus and His disciples. There were many publicans and sinners at the feast also. The Phar­ isees criticized the Saviour for eating with those who were sinners. When the Saviour heard the criticism He ex­ plained that those who are well do not need a doctor, just those who are ill. The Lord Jesus had not come for those who were righteous or good, He had come to save sinners. The Son of God came to “ seek and to save that which was lost.” God’s Word tells us that “ all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Again, God says, “whosoever will may come.” Only God’s Son would be willing to call those who were sinners, despised by others, to be His special helpers. Only His cleansing power could make sinners clean and pure and fit for His service. Sometimes Christians today seem to feel that the gospel is only for those whose skin is the same color as their skin, or for those who are clean and wealthy and popular. They do not be­ lieve in preaching the Saviour’s love to those of other races or to those who are sinful exceedingly or who are poor and dirty. To these God says, “ God so loved the world, that he gave his only be­ gotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have ever­ lasting life” (John 3:16). January 27, 1952 A H E S IT A N T F O L L O W E R John 3:1-10; 7:45-52 Pointers On the Lesson The subject considered in Jesus’ con­ versation with Nicodemus is one of the most important in all the Word of God.

Ignorance of this subject imperils the soul eternally. Bishop Ryle has said, “A man may be ignorant of many things in religion, and yet be saved. But to be ignorant of the matters handled in this chapter, is to be in the broad way ‘which leadeth to destruction’.” The Man in the Story vv. 1, 2 Only in John’s Gospel do we find any­ thing about Nicodemus. Here we catch three significant glimpses of him. His second appearance is found in 7:50, 51 where he is the only member of the Sanhedrin who stands up for Christ. Here he stood for the legal rights of Christ. The final appearance of Nico­ demus is in connection with the cross of Christ (19:39). Together with Joseph of Arimathaea, he had a part in giving Christ a dignified and honorable burial. Thus Nicodemus showed his colors for Christ when the disciples fled. Today’s lesson records his first appearance in the Bible. He is here presented as a Pharisee who was a ruler of the Jews. He visited Jesus by night. Much dis­ cussion has filled many pages as to why he came “ by night.” There were doubt­ less two reasons, caution (19:38) and privacy. The important thing is that he came. He came with the proper attitude and a disposition to learn, thus becom­ ing a splendid example for multitudes of others. Nicodemus was respectful and ac­ knowledged, without confessing too much, the divine credentials of Jesus as a teacher. But it is not enough to know Jesus simply as “ Rabbi.” He must be recognized as the Son of God. Only such can be the Saviour all men need. The Need of Nicodemus vv. 3-7 Jesus makes it crystal clear that Nico­ demus’ greatest need was the new birth, not heredity, environment, education, or reformation. This is true of all men. Literally, the statement in verse 3 should be: “ Except a man be born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” The Greek word anothen means from a higher place, from above. Com­ pare v. 31 of this chapter where the same Greek word is used. The meaning of the present text is that ere a man can belong to the kingdom of God he must have a heavenly life, a divine nature. Heaven must move into his soul. Heaven is a prepared place for a people who are prepared to enjoy it. This was strange doctrine to Nico­ demus. He had questions about it arising in his mind. Jesus showed him that there was nothing earthly about this new birth. It is all “ of water and of the Spirit” (v. 5). Water here doubt­ less refers to the Word as it does so often elsewhere in the Bible, e.g., Ephe­ sians 5:26. The Word is the instrument of the Holy Spirit in bringing about the new birth to the soul. This harmonizes perfectly with First Peter 1 :23, “ Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God,


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