King's Business - 1951-12

then he had something for which to thank God. His is a case of neglect and malnutrition. A doctor reported that the average amount of liquor consumed in Alaska is ten gallons per person per year. With such excessive drinking there are many drunken brawls, and sins of every kind. Many doors are open for the preaching of the gospel, for nurses and teachers. In some sections the need is not so much for preachers as for real Christian men and women who will go into the territory and live Christ before the people. As we left needy Alaska and the prow of our ship headed toward Seattle, our minds were full of all we had seen and done here in just a few weeks. Our hearts rejoiced for those who had re­ sponded to the gospel message, but were heavy for the thousands we could not reach. Alaska is a great harvest field, and the laborers are few. “ Pray ye therefore” ! Please renew my subscription at once. I must not be without your wonderful magazine. It is an institution in our home. We have been taking it for years. It has been a great blessing to us and we look forward to it each month. S am S haver Winston Salem, N. C. Seventh-Day Adventism Two letters under Reader Reaction in the current issue of The King’s Business prompt me to join in the discussion of the articles by Mr. E. B. Jones. Perhaps those whom God in His everlasting mercy has delivered from the bondage of Seventh-Day Adventism can mo?e fully appreciate the truth contained in those articles. It is a long story but, briefly, I was brought up from child­ hood under a very strong indoctrination of Seventh-Day Adventism. At the age of 34 God in mercy healed my sick body and Christ became my Saviour for my sin-sick soul. Now it was Christ and not “ Saturday-keeping” with all its com­ panion teachings. But I was not wholly delivered at this time from the effects of that indoctrination. .Ten years later God again in mercy led this confused but seeking Christian to California for a brief stay. Under the ministry of Dr. Talbot and very particularly through his book “ God’s Plan of the Ages” for the first time I heard and understood the whole gospel story and all bondage was truly gone. “ Thank you” is not enough to Dr. Talbot. May his reward be great in heaven. May God use Mr. Jones’ articles as a very timely warning of the pitfalls of this cult. M rs . D. J. L yons New York, N. Y. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Reader Reaction (Continued from Page 3)

Journey Into Alaska (Continued from Page 20)

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ing to the Word of God. We asked her after each Bible story if she would like to go back to the ball field and each time she replied, “ I’d like to hear an­ other Bible story.” A ten-year-old boy declared he wanted to be a preacher. So we taught him a sermon from John 3:16 like this: first, God loved us; secondly, God gave Jesus to die for us; and thirdly, we must receive Him as our own personal Saviour. The little fellow stood up on the pitcher’s mound and ac­ tually preached this sermon to home plate!

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BROADWAY PLAN CHURCH FINANCE J. S. BRACEWELL Director 1408 Sterling Building Houston, Texas

CEYLON & IND IA GENERAL MISSION Our ministry in India includes — NORTH AND SOUTH INDIA As the Lord provides, we lengthen our cords and strengthen our stakes. Address the Secretary-Treasurer 542 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, Illinois

Sunset in the Northland

Every other night we went down to the central business district of this small town and held a street meeting. And what meetings they were! From 150 to 200 people, including teen-agers as well as adults, gathered around, listening eagerly. In another village the church bell had not rung for eight years. Some dear saints of the Lord in this village had been praying that God would send some­ one with the gospel. When we rang the church bell to call the people to wor­ ship, these dear old saints got out of their sick bed and kneeling thanked the Lord that they were going to have church again. Before we left that town, sixty natives came out to an evening worship service and twenty-five children were born again by the Spirit of God! It was a great joy to meet and fellow­ ship with Biola graduates. In one Alas­ kan town we saw the work of Miss Margaret French ’47, an RN who runs the clinic for a town of 800. Working at the Marine Medical Mis­ sion home base in Alaska is Mrs. Idell Dickson King ’41 whose home was in Sacramento, Calif. She is also an RN and is doing a wonderful work for the Lord. In one of the Alaskan towns, a little native boy came to Bible school one afternoon. In an endeavor to teach him how to pray, we asked him if he had anything for which to thank the Lord. To help him, we asked, “What did you have for breakfast?” He replied, “ I didn’t have anything.” Again we asked, “What did you have for lunch?” Again his answer was, “ I didn’t have any­ thing.” We bought him an orange, and

"JO H N DEWEY'S EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY has done more h a rm to A m e r ic a n y o u n g people than even John Bar­ leycorn,” says a public school teacher o f years o f experience. A re you equipped to refute the fallacies o f this subtle atheistic influence? Read Dr. Buswell’s h ook ex­ posing Deweyism. Give copies to you r friends, especially the teachers o f your children. Order direct from the author - T H E PHILOSOPHIES O F F . R. T E N N A N T and JO H N DEW EY, o v e r f i v e h u n d r e d pages, $6.00, postage prepaid if cash accompanies order. J. OLIVER BUSWELL, Jr. President SheltondTollecje 340 W est 55 th S treet N ew Y ork 19, N. Y.

Page Thirty-eight

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