King's Business - 1951-12

SACRED PIANO SOLOS “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus” Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations. Chimes, suitable for radio performances. Each 35c, A L L THREE $1.00, postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif.

Both- men were very puzzled about the matter, but soon forgot it as they looked over the farm. When they returned to the house, things were almost in readi­ ness for dinner. Mother was just taking the turkey out of the oven when the doorbell rang. Mr. Carlson strode quickly to the door. He was followed closely by an excited pair of twins. “ Is this the Carlson farm?” the man at the door asked. “Yes, it is,” replied Mr. Carlson. The man turned and called to the two in the waiting truck. “ This is the right place, men. Bring it in.” The men lifted a large box from the truck. “ Surely this can’t be your pony,” whis­ pered Emily to Nan. “ Just wait and see,” promised Nan. When the men had deposited the pack­ age in the middle of the floor, one said, “Will Jimmy and Nancy Carlson please sign for this package?" When the men had closed the door behind them, all looked to Jimmy and Nancy for an explanation. “ Well, let’s unpack it, Nan,” said Jimmy. “ Dad, will you help us?” In a few moments, to the. amazement of all, a beautiful shiny wheelchair soon emerged from the papers and cardboard. “ Children, children! What does this mean?” exclaimed Mother Carlson. “ This is our saddle pony,” explained Jimmy. “ Your saddle pony?” asked Emily. “ Yes,” answered Nancy, “ our saddle pony for you, Emily. We told you you’d be the first to ride it. Put her in it, Dad!” “We knew that this pony would he one the whole family would be thankful for,” said Jimmy. When Emily was in the wheelchair, a twin on each side, she whispered softly with tears in her eyes, “ This is a won­ derful Christmas. Thank you for this gift. But, most of all, I’m thankful for such a brother and sister,” and with that she gave them each a big hug. “ Say, children,” said Mr. Brown to the children after dinner, “ Do you think this farm could hold another pony? A Palomino this time?” “ Oh, Mr. Brown!” cried Jimmy. “ Yes, but how . . .?” said Nancy. “ I’m sure we could make some ar­ rangement for you to earn Ginger. I need a boy’s help around the farm this winter, Jim. Mother could surely use some help in the kitchen, Nan. You could drop by after school a few days each week this year.” The twins were almost overcome with joy at this happy turn of events. That night as the family sat about the fire singing Christmas carols and eating popcorn, Mr. Carlson said earnestly, “ I am sure that the love and unselfishness that have been demonstrated in this home today have pleased the Lord Jesus Christ whose birthday it is. It is just a little shadow of the love that caused Him to give His life as a ransom for our salvation.”

The Pony that Wasn’ t A Horse (Continued from Page 19)

sunlight. Jimmy thought he had never seen a more graceful sight. Nan knew she had never known a pony so gentle. Surely this was the most beautiful horse in the world! How proud anyone would be to own him! “ Nan, it would be wonderful if we could own such a pony as this,” ex­ claimed Jimmy. “ Mr. Brown is sure to find a buyer any day now.” “Yes, it would, Jimmy. But I know the pony we’ve chosen will be one the whole family will be thankful for. Espe­ cially Emily,” she added, looking at Jimmy with a twinkle. “ Oh! I can hardly wait till she sees the pony!” replied Jimmy. The days sped swiftly by. Many eve­ nings were spent in Emily’s room. They sat on the foot of her bed as she told them stories. “ Tell me about your pony, children,” said Emily one evening. “When are you going to get him?” “Very soon, we hope!” said Jimmy, sending a quick wink at Nancy. “ Oh, what fun!” Emily exclaimed. “ Who will be the first to ride him? You or Nan?” At that remark the twins’ eyes began to sparkle. “How about your being first, Emily?” “ I know I’m getting better fast,” she laughed, “but I’m sure it will be a long time before I’m able to ride again.” The day before Christmas the house was filled with the delightful fragrance of baking pies and cakes. Jimmy and Nancy were busy helping Mother Carl­ son. The house was cleaned from top to bottom and all of the silver polished. How Emily wished that she too might be able to help with the preparations!” At last the long-awaited day arrived. The Carlsons felt that this was to be a day in which they had much for which to thank God. Early in the morning Mrs. Carlson prepared the turkey for roast­ ing. All went eagerly about their chores. Much had to be done before their ex­ pected guests, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, ar­ rived. Soon all was in readiness. Before long a ring at the door an­ nounced the arrival of the Browns. When the greetings were over, Mrs. Brown began to help Mrs. Carlson in the kitchen. Mr. Carlson took Mr. Brown out to show him the new paint job on his tractor. When they left the house, Mr. Carlson said, “Nan and Jim are surely looking forward to owning that pony of yours, Ned.” “What’s that?” Mr. Brown asked with a surprised look. “ Were they thinking of buying that Palomino of mine?” “ You mean they haven’t talked with you about it? They’ve been planning and saving for months to buy him,” said Mr. Carlson.

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