King's Business - 1951-12

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Iraqi Jews Fly to Israel ♦♦. ! i___________________

Some of the 100,000 Jews flown from Iraq to Israel

The largest mass m igration o f Jews in the history o f the new State o f Israel was the recent transfer by plane o f 100,000 Jews from Iraq to IsraqJ. Since the Arab-Jewish war, hatred o f the Jews has been in­ creasing in Mohammedan lands. In Iraq, Jews were imprisoned and some killed. The Jews were terrorized. At last the government o f Iraq consented to let the Jews return to Israel, if they would give up their Iraqi citizenship, and surrender their property. Of the 130,000 Jews in Iraq, 100,000 signed the agree­ ment and were flown to Israel in planes provided by the Israeli government. The 100,000 Jews returned to their ancient homeland practically penniless, but glad to be “ home” again. These Jews from Iraq read and speak A rabic. Pray that we may be able to publish A rabic Testaments fo r them, and that many o f them may he born again through the L ife-giving W ord o f God. An amazing thing is taking place today in the land o f Israel. They are studying the Old Testament in The Million Testaments Campaigns is providing tens o f thousands o f Testaments in various languages for the Jews returning to Israel, and for Jews in other lands; and hundreds o f thousands o f New Testaments for Gentiles in Greece and Italy and other countries in Europe. And material relief is still needed for destitute Jews and Gentiles in the land o f Israel and Europe. A BEAUTIFUL GIFT F or a lim ited tim e w e are sending to each donor to our w ork a free cop y o f a beautiful 36-page B ible booklet containing a B ible verse for each day o f next y ea r; and inspiring m essages on the B ible by B illy Graham and M erv Rosell. T he cover o f the booklet is in fou r colors and shows an Israel m issionaiy and her child am id the w ild flowers o f springtim e, and a glim pse o f the lovely Lake o f G alilee.

the schools o f Israel. Many o f the villages are asking fo r Hebrew Bibles— containing the Old and the New Testaments — « fo r the boys and girls and young people in their schools. There is a scarcity o f Old Testaments, so they are willing to use the entire Bible. W e are eager to purchase and send to Israel at least 5,000 Hebrew Bibles, containing the Old and New Testaments, just as quickly as possible!W e can order an edition o f 5,000 well-printed, strongly-bound Hebrew B ibles'in England fo r about $2.00 per copy. W e are eager to raise $10,000.00 in order to secure this edition. W ill you help u s? Could there be a greater opportunity to get the young people in Israel to read the W ord o f G od ? Let us act quickly to meet this need! Sunday Schools and Churches, as well as individuals, can have a blessed share in this work o f giving G od’s W ord to win souls. G od’s prom ise to Abraham long ago, “ I will bless them that bless thee,” is still true today. As we bless the Jews, the L ord will bless us! MILLION TESTAMENTS CAMPAIGNS, INC 1505 R ace St., Philadelphia 2, Pa., U .S.A . D ear Sirs: E nclosed find $ help in giving G od’s W ord to the Jews in Israel and other lands, and to Gentiles in E urop e; and $............... for relief o f needy Jews and Gentiles. Please send m e, as prom ised, a free cop y o f the 36-page B ible Success B and booklet fo r 1952. CUT OUT AND SEND THIS COUPON

N A M E ........................................................'..................................................

S T R E E T & N o......:.................................................................. ........... C IT Y & S T A T E ....!!................................. ................. ’........... _.......

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