
Bold, Beautiful Brows

Definition Brow Pencil

NEW Brow Pencil 新品上市 旋转式三用眉笔

The Definition Three-in-One Brow Pencil has everything needed to create full, shapely brows. Add shape and definition with the versatile pencil tip, fill out sparse areas with the brow powder, and flawlessly blend color with the brow brush for naturally well- defined brows.


Safe for Contact Lens Wearers 隐形眼镜佩戴者也可安心使用

旋转式三用眉笔具有勾画具有弧度的完美眉型的必备。多功能笔端让您勾画眉型、海绵端的眉粉 上色,填补眉毛稀疏的部份。最后,以螺旋刷头将美色刷匀,使眉毛更具立体感。

勾画出绚丽 的立体眉型




The perfect Three-in-One Brow Pencil Sei Bella ® Definition Three-in-One Brow Pencil makes it easier than ever to craft perfect brows. Three easy steps to see how each tool works. STEP 1 The twist-up pencil never needs to be sharpened and gives you ultimate control. STEP 2 A foam-tipped powder applicator gives you easy blending and filling of sparse areas. Powder is perfect for giving brows a full, natural look. STEP 3 A built-in brow brush makes it a cinch to groom your brows and blend in Definition Brow Pencil for a polished, natural look.

Arching and delicate. Bold and beautiful. Embrace the brows you were born with. Your eyebrows bring out your eyes and are one of the most expressive parts of your face. A little eyebrow love will help bring out their natural potential. 弧度细致的眉型。浓密、鲜明的眉型。 您的天生眉型,独具魅力。眉毛使双 眸更熠熠生辉,也是表情最丰富的部 位之一。细心呵护眉毛,将能使脸部轮 廓更细致。


水.贝娜旋转式三用眉笔让您轻易勾画出完美眉型。依据三 个简易步骤使用。

步骤1 免削笔芯,让您轻易画出动人眉型。

步骤2 海绵端的眉粉上色,填补眉毛稀疏的部份。眉粉将能打造 自然、浓密的眉型。

步骤3 螺旋刷头让您轻松修饰眉毛,将眉色刷匀,使眉型更精致、 自然。

Selecting Your Ideal Color Follow these simple suggestion to help choose the color that will look best with your whole look. • When selecting a brow pencil color, choose a color that is one shade lighter than the hair color on your head , if your hair is colored, base your choice off your current hair color, not your natural hair color. • Eyebrow hair tends to be more neutral and ashy than head hair, so resist the temptation to use eyeliner pencils on your brows . The shades are too warm and will look unnatural.



• 在选择眉笔颜色使,挑选一款比发色浅一个色调的眉色。 如果您的秀发有染色,那就以您目前的染发发色而非您的 自然发色为主。 • 与发色比较,眉毛颜色较属于中、偏灰,因此,避免将眼线 笔当成眉笔使用。眼线笔的颜色属暖色,将使眉毛颜色看 起来不自然。。

Sei Bella Definition Three-in-One Brow Pencil 水.贝娜旋转式三用眉笔 Regular Price 普通售价 : $46.60 SAVE 37% 节省 Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $29.50 (9pts) SKU1237 | Brunette 深褐色 SKU1166 | Deep Brown 棕黑色





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