
卸妆油 如何使用学问大! How to use the Cleansing Oil?

Perfect Clean for Healthy and Clear Skin

Keep your hands and face dry: Ensure your hands and face are dry before using the cleansing oil, to prevent emulsifying at this stage which it will reduce the effectiveness in removing makeup later. Gently smooth it out: Gently smooth out the cleansing oil and massage face to dissolve makeup.

手脸保持干燥: 双手及脸部若碰到水再接触卸妆油,会使其提前 乳化,降低卸妆能力。

轻推匀: 轻柔按摩推匀卸妆油,使其与彩妆充分溶合。

好肤质从洁 净肌肤开始

Add water to emulsify: Apply some water and massage face until cleansing oils turns milky white. Repeat this step to ensure cleansing oils emulsifies completely.

加水充分乳化: 取少量水按摩,让卸妆油和水融成乳白色,可多 做几次,确保卸妆油完全被乳化。

Powered by plant-derived oils Your perfect makeup remover Contains 4 naturally-sourced plant-derived oil — olive oil, sunflower seed oil, sweet almond oil and corn oil coupled with vitamins C & E.

Rinse before washing face: Use warm water to rinse off the oil, then use Perfect Care Facial Wash to wash your face thoroughly.

冲净再洗脸: 用温水冲净卸妆油,最后可再用完美修护洗面 乳洗脸,彻底洗净脸上易被忽略部位。

Perfect Care Facial Wash EX Contains the nutrients of amino acid extracted from the all natural soy , together with the clarifying properties of papain .

Gently removes makeup and excess oil, helps soften and condition skin.

植物纯油的力量 您的完美卸妆油

富含4 种天然植物纯油 — 橄榄油、葵花子油、甜杏仁油、玉米油,及维生素 C 和 E。

Purifying and remove dirt and dead cells from the skin, helps keep your complexion clear and bright.


Purchase 40 Points and Save $10.40 消费满40点省 $10.40 Sei Bella Perfect Care Cleansing Oil EX + Facial Wash EX 水·贝娜完美修护卸妆油 + 完美修护洗面乳 SKU7846 | Regular Price 普通售价 : $86.00 SAVE 33% 节省 Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $57.80 (18pts)


富含取自天然大豆的氨基酸和有洁 净成分的木瓜酵素。 温和地洗净污垢及角质,让肌肤更 清透,肤色更明亮。

Sweet Almond Oil Gentle 甜杏仁油 / 超温和

Sunflower Seed Oil Nourish 向日葵油 / 超修护

Corn Oil Antioxidant 玉米油 / 超抗氧

Olive Oil Purify 橄榄油 / 超净化



Promotional Price 促销价 : $47.40 (13pts)



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