Hort South - EOP 2022

$20 $30 ——— REWARD ——— PER PINT $50 $60 ——— REWARD ——— PER JUG $20 $55 ——— REWARD ——— PER JUG $20 $40 ——— REWARD ——— PER JUG

BUMP UP TO 8 PINTS (1 CASE) Buy 8 pints and save 12% – it’s like getting one pint for free. Increase your rebate from $140 off 7 pints to $240 off 8.

BUMP UP TO 8 JUGS (2 CASES) Save 10% and save time with your pre-emerge program.

BUMP UP TO 6 JUGS (3 CASES) Take advantage of the Volume Bonus to get more than 9% in free product. Grow your rebate from $100 off 5 jugs to $330 off 6.

BUMP UP TO 6 JUGS (3 CASES) Save 11%, increase your rebate from $140 off 7 to $240 off 8.

HURRY! Volume Bonus offers are only available during period EOP 1, September 12 – October 31, 2022. Simply order the minimum requirement or more during EOP 1 and your Volume Bonus Reward will be honored, no special sku required.

Aloft ® GC is an EPA Restricted-Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions. For specific application rates, directions, mixing instructions and precautions, read the product label. Please visit www.nufarm.com/usturf to download a full label. ©2022 Nufarm. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. 3336 ® , Anuew ™ , Millennium Ultra ® and Traction ™ are trademarks of Nufarm. Aloft ® , Pinpoint ® and SureGuard ® are trademarks of Valent U.S.A. LLC. 21-TO-0005


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