Biola Broadcaster - 1970-08

moods. One day he decided to end it all, and consequently took a cab for London Bridge. But the fog was so thick that the driver couldn’t find the bridge and he returned Cowper to his home. The author paid him double fare and immediately went into his house and wrote that im­ mortal hymn: “God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform, He plants His footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. “Deep in unfathomable mines of never-failing skill He treasures up His bright designs, And works His sovereign will.” This providence of God contains a condition. Both human and divine sides are represented. This all indi­ cates our Lord’s predetermination. Verses 29 and 30 can be either a source of controversy or consolation. Paul never attempts a harmony be­ tween God’s sovereignty and man’s freedom. The Holy Spirit was not writing these words through Paul for either Calvinists or Arminians. He is talk­ ing to dear believers who need an adequate assurance of their salva­ tion. As we consider the Father’s pur­ pose, we can see that it also includes His protection (v. 31). “God is for us!” The Apostle Paul could say with the Psalmist, “This I know; for God is for me” (Psa. 56:9). He is Captain of our salvation. There is nothing half-hearted about His sup­ port! One with God is a majority! We need to hold a healthy respect for our adversary, the devil, but let’s not permit him to frighten us! Rather, let’s “resist him steadfastly in the faith.” Only then will he flee from us! Too many believers are living in the shadows of fear and frustration. 10

We manage to do well as long as the battle is only a skirmish! But when the fighting gets heavy and the bom­ bardment becomes terrifying, we find it easy to panic and flee. Un­ doubtedly we face some terrible and trying days ahead. Christianity’s frontiers are being diminished by the Communistic advance. The Church may yet be thrust into its crucible of suffering! The story is told of one Christian saying to another, “It’s terribly hard to trust God and to realize His hand in all these dark passages of life.” The other observed, “If you can’t trust a man out of your sight he is not worth much. And if you can’t trust God in the dark, you don’t trust Him at all.” I looked at CHRIST and the dove of peace flew into my heart. I looked at the DOVE and it flew away. —Charles H. Spurgeon The more you witness, the easier it will become. He is coming, He is coming again, The very same Jesus rejected of men; With power and great glory, He is coming again.

Students at a Bible College havethe opportunity to learn the academic skills andto gain a tion in Bible truth. Limitedenrollment at Arizona Bible College allows time tor personal consultation between student and professor. Picturedis Richard Anderson (right). Dean of Men and Professor of Anthropology and Philosophy, counseling withCraig Swlneford,studentat ABC from Tucson, Arizona.


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