Biola Broadcaster - 1970-08

is the Father of everyone, since it says in Ephesians U:6, 'One God and Father of all.’ Also, in the Lord’s prayer there’s the phrase, ‘Our Fa­ ther, which art in Heaven.’ How do you explain these Scriptures?’’ A. As wonderful as these Scriptures are, they do not teach that God is the Father of everyone. In Ephesians Paul is referring to those who are “in the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” It’s written to be­ lievers, not to unbelievers. There are seven unifying things: “one body, one Spirit, one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.” This should be ample evidence. Then, in the so- called “Lord’s Prayer,” the Saviour was speaking to His disciples who wanted to learn how to pray. In a very broad sense, God is the Father of all by creation, but not by re­ demption. Remember th a t when Christ was talking to the unbeliev­ ing Pharisees, He told them, “Ye are of your father, the devil.” Q. Pasadena, Calif. — “I f you believe that children who died prior to hav­ ing reached the age of accountability are saved, then do you believe that anyone dying at any age is saved? This also precludes the possibility of losing one’s salvation.” A. Any person who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour becomes a new creature and is saved for all eternity. We believe S c rip tu re teaches eternal security of the be­ liever. Humanly speaking, a person in a family may be obedient or dis­ obedient. Nonetheless, he's still a child of his parents. The same is true with a child of God. While there is nothing in Scripture that distinct­ ly states that if a child dies in in­ fancy, before the age of accounta­ bility, he is saved, yet, we hold that firm belief, based upon the love, mercy, and goodness of God. The blood of Jesus Christ avails for

you have asked deals with what hap­ pened to the money Judas received for betraying the Lord. The “me” here refers prophetically to our Lord as quoted from Zechariah 11:12. Did you know that 30 pieces of silver was the price for a slave who had been gored ? It was a worthless thing. The Lord was the One who was set at naught, being pictured and symbolized in what Zechariah does. Ever since the June war in 1967, the city of Jerusalem has been united under the state of Israel. Even when Jerusalem was divided, the Arabs were very careful to see that the wailing wall, which was on the Jor­ danian side, was not accessible to any Jews. The Arabs don’t use the wall for worship or ritual. This west­ ern wall has meaning only to the Jews. It symbolizes their lost glory. You cannot come away from seeing these Jews praying at the wall with such fervor without your heart be­ ing touched very deeply. We long to tell them of Christ, their Messiah. If you will read the entire book of Lamentations, you will see that for which they are so bereft. They’re asking God that the departed ma­ jesty and glory may come back. Did you know that no truly orthodox Jew will allow himself to dwell in a home that’s completely finished while the house of God lies desolate? They’re not to be indifferent to these impor­ tant needs. Some will openly say that they feel we are now living in Messianic times. Q. Turlock, Calif. — “What’s the dif­ ference between believing ‘in’ (John 3:16) and believing ‘on’ (Acts 16: 31) the Lord?” A. In this sense and contexts, the words can be used interchangeably. In a technical reference, “in” might be the preferred preposition. Q. Fresno, Calif. — “In our Sunday school class, someone stated that God

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