Jeroboam devised a counterfeit re ligion which centered in two conve nient locations, Dan and Bethel (I Kings 12:28ff). The latter was his royal chapel, and Jeroboam person ally burned incense on the altar (I Kings 13:1). While he was officiating in this blasphemous act, an unnamed man of God appeared and prophesied future judgment upon this apostate religion. The enraged king stretched out his hands in an arresting ges ture and was immediately paralyzed. The altar was split so that the ashes began to pour out. King Jeroboam begged thei unknown prophet to plead his cause with Jehovah. Gra ciously, this was done and the arm was restored to its former vigor (I Kings 13:6). Momentarily impressed, the king offered the prophet refresh ment and reward. The man of God refused, lest he appear to be friendly to the enemy of the Lord. Such a fascinating illustration shows how that God performed a miracle in this case. One day there came an evil taunt from Syria, that the God of Israel was merely a deity of the mountains and that His people could be defeated (I Kings 20:28). Though the com bined armies of Israel were small in comparison, Jehovah gave them such success in battle that one hundred thousand Assyrian soldiers were killed in one day (I Kings 20:29). The remaining 27,000 Syrian sol diers perished when the wall of the city fell on them. King Benhadad himself was captured by Israel’s king. We see God’s miraculous inter twining and intermingling of love and mercy, as well as righteousness and holiness. His judgment moves against sin. Frequently God dealt with perver sity on the part of unbelievers by send ing m iracu lou s judgment. Among the cities noted for debauch ery and depravity were Sodom and Gomorrah. When the full measure of His longsuffering and patience had 23
he stood before Elisha, oblivious to any problem. Elisha, however, knew of the sin and declared that leprosy would be his portion, as well as his descendants (w . 26-27). In the book of Acts we read of two Christians, Ananias and Sapphira. They sold their possessions, as many other believers were doing, and os tensibly laid the entire sale price at the apostles’ feet (Acts 5:1-2). The act was entirely voluntary. Yet, the spirit of the gift was one of grudg ing. The scheming husband and wife decided beforehand to hold part of the price back, although intimating to others that it was the total amount. Peter charged the two with lying to the Holy Spirit. God struck them both dead, Ananias first, and about three hours later, his wife Sapphira. So we see that God sometimes per forms miracles when He judges. This we see can fall upon professing be lievers. It may be because of perver sity in failing to be obedient to the will of God. May we examine our own hearts to see the needs which we may have before the Lord. P art T en I T is well to restate that we be lieve the study of the miracles validates and authenticates the name of Jehovah. Such a study also pro vides a buttress for the believer in saving the proof of the Scriptures. God will perform a miracle some times by bringing judgment upon those who deserve it, even to pro fessing believers. If He will chas ten His own children, think of what is in store for the profane unbe liever! Peter asks this pointed ques tion, “If judgment begins with the house of God, what shall the end of them be that do not obey the Gos pel?” This should cause real soul- searching on everyone’s part. In building up a strong rival kingdom, separate from Judah, King
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