Biola Broadcaster - 1970-08

tic, still it’s the only outlook that offers man any single ray of hope. We can look forward to the day when the kingdoms of this world shall be­ come the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ. Each individual person must exercise believing faith to become a child of God. You see, man co-oper­ ates with God in that the Lord reaches down and man by faith be­ lieves. No works of ours are ever in­ volved. Yes, the way Christ used His life is a pattern for us to follow. The mighty deeds of the Saviour were one of the thrilling joys of the early saints. In them they saw un­ mistakable evidences that the life of Heaven was already beginning here on earth when a man believed in Jesus Christ. Such miracles need not tax our ingenuity in order to explain them away. They need no definition; they need believing. In our Lord’s earthly ministry there were the miracles of healing. It is amazing to read the Gospel ac­ counts and see how large a place the ministry of healing had in His brief earthly record. At the same time, re­ member that Jesus didn’t heal every single person He saw who needed such a miracle. He rather picked particular groups and individuals in order to glorify God through their healing. There was never an instance when He refused to cure someone who came in faith. When the Saviour sent out His disciples, He told them, among other things, to heal those who were sick. In our dread of fanaticism, there is a danger of turning from this gra­ cious ministry. We absolutely can­ not discount the will of God when it comes to healing. This is one rea­ son why some godly people are ill. It may be God’s will that they should glorify Him in suffering. We see this in the lives of so many dear saints. We have no right to demand healing of the Lord. You see, it’s to the greater miracles of spiritual healing that God gives supreme importance.

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