Biola Broadcaster - 1970-08

This is still where the emphasis must be. We must always live accord­ ing to His will. It is preeminently true that for the born-again child of God, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called ac­ cording to his pu rpose” (Rom. 8:28). P art S ixteen N O MAN CAN HAVE A BETTER pat­ tern for life than that which our Lord Himself set for us in the Bible. Peter testifies that Christ always went about doing good (Acts 10:38). Jesus Christ not only healed bodies, but also He alone could and did heal the human soul. This is the greatest of all miracles. The Saviour also worked miracles in the realm of nature. These are perhaps hardest for unregenerate man to believe. We think of the time when He was surrounded by hungry multitudes. They were more than adequately fed with resources which had been sufficient only for a small boy. On another occasion, while He was with His disciples on the Sea of Galilee, a sudden storm threatened to wreck the ship. Responding to the desperate plea for help, He not only stayed the tempest, but also gave them courage. This Christ will al­ ways do when we pray to Him. Per­ haps the greatest effect of the Lord’s miracles upon others concerned the dead who were brought back to life. There was Jairus’ daughter and Laz­ arus who stand out indelibly in our minds. Think what an impression they must have had on the people of their time! Jesus didn’t perform His miracles in the power of His innate deity. When Christ was born of Mary, He emptied Himself, not of His deity, but of His glory. He allowed the Holy Spirit to lead Him in all that He did or said. While He lived His life as man, yet His deity never left


is in the preparation of thosewhowill carry the Gospel to the endsof the earth. There would be no missionaries to send, no min­ isters for churches, no Christianteachers for schools, and no evangelists to proclaim the Gospel unless Schools like BIOLA are maintained to prepare dedi­ catedChristian young people who want to use their talents andtheir lives in the service of Jesus Christ. With a thorough and practical knowledge of the Bible, BIOLA graduates taketheirplace as leaders in various fields of service. We invite YOU to make a regular investment In this most importantministry through the Biola Fel­ lowship.(Se coupon on reverse side of page.) We would also urge you to considera deferred gift through BIOLA'S AGREEMENT PROGRAM and/or by remembering BIOLA in yourWILL. For further in­ formationconcerning WILLS and AGREEMENTS, please send coupon to the Stewardship Department at BIOLA. Yes, please send me information concerning THE CHRISTIAN'S WILL and BIOLA'S AGREEMENT PRO­ GRAM. Mr. Mrs....................... Miss Addres ............................................. City ................................................. State..............................


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