King's Business - 1938-06



¿and Bible ( 2 * ' JUNE 19 fit Ü PARTICULAR r PASfORS, TEACH « B I B L E S C H O O L A d va n ta g e#

Paul W . Rood

.Courses Four class periods will b Monday to Friday, offering instruction i|i each $ubjecP T SesdrHpci O^ferd §J The*following nepls&ntf a jects offered: • * i «* S [ j Bible Doctrine • '¡3 Q Analysis □ Messianic Prophecy Q 0 Biblical In tr o d u c -L Q tion 0 Child Evangelism O Biola Summer Bible School, Bible Institute.pjt,Los'Angeles, Inca . I plan to aftertd fh« Biola Summe I am interested in subjects checked 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California. Gentlemen?«*,

1. Day School Credit 2. Regular -Biola J-jacultyi| 3. Six^WeeksBible Shidy * 4. Varietyof SuS|fe<&T^'%A M j M. 5. Evangelicail Teaching 6. School |of Music 7. Conference 3pea|ce%^v 8. Dormitory / 1 —

Kenneth M. Monroe

John A. Hubbard

9. Biola ’Dihitig Rop/rt^M- 10. Employment Assistance 11. "Recreation IfSgHf F r om Jun e lit to Ju l y

Name ..

„ . f. . . . ........... ..

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k i : g i s t r a t i o . \ ; f e e , $ i o — r o o m a

A. T. O'Rear


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