King's Business - 1938-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1938

go inside a saloon, and I won’t, job or no job.’ They were pretty hot, but at night they said I could stay, if I’d obey orders thereafter. So I stayed, and they never sent me to that kind of place again.” The editor remembered that his friend had risen to the best position in that great store, and he said to himself, “ Character does count, even in a boy!”— S elected . A Man Who Wasted His Strength J udges 16 Memory Verse: “W e will obey the voice of the Lord our God” (Jer. 42:6). Approach: Our story this week is about another strong and brave man. Samson was the strongest man who over lived. But al­ though he had such great strength, yet in other ways he was one of the weakest of all

cj^te 'S 'i& lc lA . cVteW hiyte.

Keep your school open this summer that in greater abundance you may garner souls for the Lord and nurture believers in the Lord. W ith eyes o f faith we can see the har- est ahead. But without the growing and ripening o f summer there would be n o autumn reaping.

Graded by DEPARTMENTS Departmental grading, recom­ mended by leading Christian educators today, correlates wor­ ship, instruction and expression, with a different lesson in each department. Especially adapted to summer work. Expanded curriculum, simplified and revised, covers all years in­ cluding young people. New Be­ ginner’s Manuals (teachers’ and pupils’)ready September 1. FREE sample copies (previous quarter, specify departments) sent on request to pastors, super­ intendents and teachers; also Compendium o f 780 lessons. Please enclose 10c towards post­ age. If current manuals are wanted, regular prices apply; pupil’s 10c, teacher’s 25c. (Specify dept.) Write today.

men. Instead of using his strength to glorify God, he used it to sin against Him. Lesson Story: Sam­ son lived about one hundred years after Gideon. Once more Is ra e l n deded a strong leader to bring them b a ck to G od. Just at th is time,

G ’tctciejcLS e r ie s of Sunday School Lessons Holds up summer attendance, maintains intact organization, imparts zeal and interest, insures forward strides in the fall. A California pastor writes, "A ll Bible Graded Series helped abolish summer slump. Attendance June 30, 639; Attendance July 7, 6837 a year ago, 463.” Everywhere schools using this series report larger summer attendance. Last year more copies o f The All Bible Manuals were printed and distributed for the summer quarter than any previous summer quarter. This year all indications point to more schools than ever alive to the fruitfulness o f the summer "growing” season. Boys and girls lost in the summer slump may never be regained. Investigate this series that will help you hold them for Christ. Order your summer quarter supply— plan for and expect an increase. THE S C R I P T U R E PRE S S 800 N. Clack Street Dept.K. B. Chicago, Illinois

Samson was born. As a special gift, God gave him an extra amount, of strength. Sam­ son was so strong that one day when he met a lion in his path, he wrestled with the lion and killed him with his hands. The children of Israel had been cap­ tured by a people who were called Philis­ tines. Samson, with his mighty strength, would have been able to be their deliverer. One day he went forth, and with nothing but a piece of bone for a weapon, he killed a thousand Philistines. How his people must have cheered him! It began to look as if they would soon be, free from the Philis­ tine rule. But they were to be disappointed. Samson was not a strong leader. He played with his great strength. He did not use it as a gift sent to him from God. And be­ cause he was not glorifying God, God soon took this great strength from him. And when he no longer had it, his enemies captured him and put him in prison. They took a heated stick and put out his eyes. What a sad ending to this mighty man!

W H I T E P I P E - T O N E F O L D I N G O R G A N S In use all over the world for more than 35 yeara. Noted for durability, convenience,e volume of tone and beautiful Pipe-Like Quality. Tropically treated. Free catalog. A . L. WHITE MFG. CO. Dept. K, 215 Englewood Ave. CHICAGO. ILL.

like people? When a piece of steel is mag­ netized, it is much stronger than it was before. Notice how this strong magnet can lift these large pieces of steel and iron. This magnet reminds me of Samson. He had more than natural strength. The enemies of the Israelites on various occasions tried to capture him, but he was too strong for them. He broke their ropes with ease. The reason was that he had more than human strength. His great strength came from God. And Samson, had he been wise, would have realized that God could work in and through him only so long as he gave attention to the necessity of holiness in his daily life. There came a time, however, when sin came into his life. W e will take this piece of steel marked “ sin” and place it across the magnet to remind us of the sin of Sam­ son. The magnet is no longer strong. It will not lift the smallest piece of steel. When sin entered Samson’s life, he was no longer strong as before. His enemies came and took him, blinded him, and made him their slave. Just as this magnet is now powerless to lift as it once did, so Samson was power­ less to do the great things he had once done. What was true of Samson is true of Christian people today. As long as they ask and trust their Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep sin out of their lives, they can do great things. But when sin is allowed to enter, they become weak and powerless. Jesus Christ wants us to work for Him, and to do so we must let Him keep our lives free from sin and filled with power.

Christ forRussia Many thousands of Russian souls are still perish­ ing without having heard of Christ . . . W ill you let them pass into a hopeless grave? Christ gave His life for them just as for you . . . W hat are you doing that they should know it? How often do you pray for the Russians? Have you sent at least one dollar for their salvation? Please pray earnestly and then—do something for sending the Gospel to the multitudes of Russians in Russia and her border states, as well as relief to the suffering Christians in Soviet Russia. Do it right away, before many more pass away without any knowledge of Christ. Your best way to reach the Russians is through the first and oldest Mission work for Russians: The Russian Missionary Society, Inc. Miss M. FETLER, Rev. J. F. HOLLIDAY, B.A. (American Secretary) (Chairman, Canadian Board) 1844 W. Monroe St., 259 Aberdeen Ave. Chicago, III., U. S. A. Hamilton, Ont., Canada ( mention the king ’ s business in your reply ) Colonel the Rev. F. J. Miles, D.S.O., O.B.E., V.D., General Secretary of the R.M.S., outstanding :preacher and conference speaker, will (D.V.) be touring the United States and Canada from July 10, 1988, _ to February 28 , 1989. Churches and organizations desiring a visit from Colonel Miles should communicate with one of our offices as soon as possible.

Object Lesson S horted by S in

Objects: A magnet, a piece of steel large enough to cover both poles o f the magnet and to overlap a little on the sides and ends, and several smaller pieces of iron or steel. (Paint the large piece of steel black, and on one edge put the word “ sin.” ) Lesson: Did you know that magnets are

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