King's Business - 1938-06


T H È K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1938

less of position or condition in sin. “ The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men ’(u (Tit. 2:11). “ For there is no difference between the Jew and Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him” (Rom. 10:12). If we make our life’s program that of straightening out the impossible intricacies of social and economic inequalities, we are guilty of the error o f believing that the hearts: of unregenerate mankind can be made over by human means. O f course we shall need to remember that true Christian faith issues in love for those who are under­ privileged, and in intensely practical “good works” done for Christ’s glory alone. But our God-assigned task is primarily the proclamation of the good news that One is coming who shall set all things right, and shall rule in equity. This K ing is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of David. In His kingdom, rule shall be administered by those who have bowed to His authority as the Saviour during this age of grace. W e shall reign with Him! The Psalm chosen for our lesson has been paraphrased by Isaac Watts in a familiar hymn. Let us rejoice together that “Jesus shall reign where’er the sun Does his successive journeys run; His kingdom spread from shore to shore T ill moons shall wax and wane no more.” Helps for the Leader I. ■A n U n restricted Q u o ta When certain new immigration quotas went into effect, the Philadelphia Public Ledger told of twenty-four ocean liners, carrying eleven thousand immigrants from forty-three countries, coming in at that time, with a score of other liners racing across the Atlantic with other thousands of hopeful immigrants who must return to the Near East and Asia after spending the savings of a lifetime on the five-thousand-mile trip. “ Scores of aliens, who leaned over the ships’ rails gazing wistfully at the shores of America, are doomed to disappointment, as several quotas will be filled by noon. . . . Hope and anxiety are apparent to a marked degree on the faces that line the steamers’ rails, looking toward the land of promise.” One cannot but contrast this situation, with, its. limited quotas and the necessary dis­ appointment awaiting many who have stopped at’ no sacrifice to get in, with the offer of entry into a Better Land still. Heaven is opened freely to “ whosoever w ill” receive salvation and the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus. — The Sunday School Times. II. F or t h e M iserable o f A l l C lasses “ God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). Only where men see that the preacher knows nothing of class or dis­ tinctions do his reproofs have any power. “ I hope,” said an English gentleman to Mr. Moody, “that you will be able to do something for the miserable poor in London.” “ I hope so,” replied Mr. Moody, “ and I hope also to do something for the miserable rich.”— From 5000 Best Modern Illustra­ tions, by Hallock.

people for Christ. . . . The sunbeam cannot be defiled by shining into the muddy pool, but it will take out of it the clear, crystal water-drops; and the believer, because he is not of the world, can separate others from the world unto God.-— Watchword. II. M en of t h e C it y That “circumstances do not make the man” is well illustrated by two Bible characters, Lot and Daniel. Lot revealed the selfish and sensual motives of his heart by choosing the best portion of land offered — “ all the plain of Jordan”— and by then pitching his tent toward the wicked city of Sodom. He gradually became entangled in the affairs of that metropolis, lost his testimony for God, and finally was saved from total destruction only by the inter­ vention of his godly uncle, Abraham. As an antithesis of this tragic story we have the noble example of Daniel who stood stead­ fastly for the Lord in similar circumstances. He was suddenly placed in the tempting atmosphere of Babylonian indulgence, but he set his face like a flint, and refused to follow those who denied the lordship of God in heart and life. Although persecuted, he remained true to his Master. Which of these men represents your attitude? —-E. E. W . JULY 31, 1938 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL P salm 72:1-14 Meditation on the Lesson An earth governed in righteousness and filled with peace is depicted in the Psalm for our meditation today. This fact makes it plain that the conditions spoken of are future, and that there are important inter­ vening events before the kingdom pictured can be set up on this earth. A complete vision of the millennial kingdom— the thou­ sand-year reign of the Messiah—fills the scene; justice and equity prevail throughout the rule of the kingdom. From circumstantial evidence we know that world government today is not characterized by justice for all. The world’s chaotic condition is a result of the pride and sin of Satan and of the sinful acts of those who are under his sway. His time of limited control will not expire until the Lord Jesus comes to earth again when He will set up His glorious! reign. However, in spite of the dominion of this present “world system” by Satan, there is “equal opportunity for all” to be saved who have heard God’s message that “ Christ died for our sins.” Christ’s own righteousness is imputed to all who will believe, and His grace extends to every individual, regard­ BETTER HEALTH ASSURED Write for free booklet ‘FOOD CONTROL CHART’ by a Christian Physician EUGENE A. SPEAR, D. C. Nutrition Specialist 67 So. Oak St., Ventura, Calif. (Enclose 3c for postage) Gratuitous service to missionaries


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