King's Business - 1938-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1938

he suffered a disaster in his home by the loss of some loved one? All of these things contribute largely to the state of his soul that you may find when you meet him. If you converse sympathetically with him, you may learn all of these facts without appearing to be impertinent. If this line of questioning is pursued with a kindly spirit, you will obtain the confidence of your friend, and he will feel that you have a very kindly interest in his welfare. It is not difficult to lead off from this line into the gospel of Christ. Let your friend do most of the talking when you are trying to win him for Christ. Let him say all that is in his heart. The more he talks, the more you will know about him; the more you know about him, the easier it will be to deal with him intelligently. Do not stop him to deny any statement he makes or to correct any assertion that he may utter; just make mental note of it so that you can handle it later. If you stop him to interpose ob­ jections, you will lose his confidence, and will be less apt to win him. It will not hurt anything for him to say things that are wrong. The more things that he says which you know are untrue, the easier it will be for you to know how to answer him when your time comes to apply the treatment. Do not let yourself be discour­ aged by the force with which he expresses his view that you know to be false. If you yourself are thoroughly grounded in the faith and in your appropriation of salva­ tion through the Lord Jesus, your exper­ ience will only glow the brighter as you

YOU BE THE DOCTOR [ Continued from Page 241]

“ Send Your Boy To Stony Brook In the Fall” This is the advice of many parents who have wanted for their boys thor­ ough preparation for college, plus wholesome Christian influence. More than one Stony Brook parent has said, "If I had only known what Stony Brook would do for my boy, I should have sent him earlier." If you are familiar with the significant history of the School and the place that it holds in the field of Christian education, you know something of its value. Remember that June is the logical month for registration to insure a place in the School in September. An application blank will be sent on re­ quest. If you have not followed the work of Stony Brook, you will be interested in the new school catalogue and the booklet, "W hat Parents Say About Stony Brook School."

God and have taken up an evil doctrine and false teaching constitute a very large group, and you will find them constantly in your soul-winning work. Let it be re­ membered that a religious belief must be labeled false if it minimizes the saving power of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ and if it places its hope of eternal salvation in anything that man can do for himself. Persons in this group diagnose their own cases quickly and easily, and you will be able to tell to which one of these false religions an individual belongs if you listen to the type of language that he uses, for every false religion has its own phraseology, peculiar to itself. These friends are very enthusiastic about their beliefs. You may obtain information from these by asking, “ Are you a church man? Are you interested in religious things?” Without any hesitation at all, he will tell you gladly and proudly that he belongs to a certain one of these cults, and he will enter at once into a discussion of his posi­ tion. The method of bringing the remedy for these cases, as well as to those of the other classifications, will be taken up in the second article of this series. W hat Is the Friend Thinking? Not only is it necessary to know the group in which your prospect belongs, but it is necessary also to know the state of heart and mind of that friend. Some­ times there is hunger for something better, but this may be absent. Sometimes there is a keen interest in learning moré of spiritual things, and sometimes the per­ son is carelessly drifting. It may be that there is just one thing standing out pre­ eminently in the mind and heart of the person with whom you are dealing. Some­ times it is the question of whether there is a hell. It may be that the problem of whether a good God will punish sinners is uppermost in his mind. It may be he will want to know whether the Bible is true and if so, how can he be assured of it? There will be those who are con­ fused about salvation by good works and salvation by faith. You must ascertain just what is going on in the mind of your friend, else you will be beating the air as you talk with him and will be conversing about matters in which he is not vitally interested at all. Wise questioning will bring out these hidden problems. As you question your friend in order to diagnose his case, you should endeavor to find out the following points: First, his religious background. Has he been among religious people, and if so, what kind of people? Second, in what kind of home was he reared? Was it godly or wicked? Was it religious, or was it careless or antagonistic to Christian things? Third, what kind of education has this friend received, and what kind of schools did he attend? Were they friendly to orthodoxy or antagonistic in their attitude? Fourth, what kind of personal life has he had with regard to happiness or misery? Has he had plenty of the necessities of life? Has he had many of its luxuries? Has he had a great deal and then lost it? Has

The headmaster would be glad to send you, or any neighbor or friend, copies of these publica­ tions.

( - J t o n y J i r o o k J c h o o l Frank E. Gaebelein, Litt. D., Headmaster

Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y. Please mention K ing’s Business

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