King's Business - 1938-06

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 277 — Christian On Vacation — For pleasure, information and inspiration, be sure to take “ S to r ies of U pm n s M e Hobe” Hymn Programs Just off the Press By Cecilia Margaret Rudin, M .A. These fascinating stories of our loved hymns are unequalled for private use and meditation, group study or use in Conferences, Camps, Daily Vacation Bible Schools, Institutes, Retreats, etc. Will gladden and uplift the heart of young and old. Presents the thrilling human drama behind such hymns as “ America, The Beautiful,” “ Jesus Loves Me,” “ This is My Father’s World,” “ I Love to Tell The Story,” etci, etc.

June, 1938

Russo-Japanese W ar at the close of a fierce encounter. “Thus we attack the enemy with bullets of human flesh. With such unique weapons, representing the very essence of the spirit of Japan, how can we fail to rout the enemy?” It recently has been brought to our at­ tention that voluntary riding of torpedoes to death will be practiced by Japanese sailors in the warfare waged from now on. Submarines dashing through the sea below the surface of the waves will spot an enemy ship and will launch a torpedo at it. Inside the diabolical mechanism will ride a volun­ teer sailor to certain death for honor and glory in his own country. His task is to steer the torpedo to its mark. The recruiting of these “ human torpe­ does” has been going on for some time, but this fact was revealed only recently by Japanese naval officers when they announced the perfection by a Japanese naval engi­ neer of a new type of torpedo, providing a steering gear and room for a steersman. The self-sacrifice of these sailors is quite in keeping with the traditions of the Nip­ ponese. For them, from time immemorial, the highest goal attainable has been self- inflicted death where honor or word have been concerned. Many of them will tell you freely that their greatest pleasure would be to die for the emperor! Hence arise the “ Suicide Squad” and the “White Band of Death,” of which we recently read. There are no greater heroes in Japan to­ day than the soldiers who made “ human bombs” of themselves during the fighting on Chinese soil a few years ago. Their sacrifice has been told in story and song and has been kept ceaselessly before the Japanese people through daily publication as part o f an advertisement by a Japanese commercial house. Has Japan a Place in Prophecy? At the close of the Russo-Japanese War, history took on a new color. For the first time, a white nation had been defeated by a Mongolian one. For the first time, a strong, white people had been humbled by those they had considered of inferior breed. The Caucasian race was thrown on a bal­ ance scale. It has been there ever since, trying its best to hold its own. But, judg­ ing from some appearances, it is coming to the end of its so-called white superiority unless there is a radical change in the habits and lives of our peoples. Blinded by suc­ cess, the white race has overlooked the fact that it has not always been the superior race, nor has it always led civilization. History informs us that civilization long ago flourished among the Egyptians. These sprang from the Hamitic line, through which line comes the black man, the swarthy, and the darker-skinned peoples of that area. The Egyptian civilization was handed down to the white race. So the alarmed world is wondering, “W ill suprem­ acy go the Mongolian race next?” The yellow and brown-skinned peoples comprise five-sevenths of the world’s population. Should they have five-sevenths of the world’s territory? Many persons are forming their opin­ ions because of the strange course of world financial centers. These have been shifting

Simple, dramatic 11 for groups of all ages. Home — School— Church. Based on “Stories of Hymns We Love." Introductory Price O C o only____ .....-------------------- ¿ D l *

Richly illustrated, beautifully bound, gold stamped. Price only $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. $1.25 will bring both “ STORIES OF HYMNS WE LOVE” and “ Hymn Programs” postpaid. Order through your bookstore, church supply house or direct from: J OHN RUD I N & COMP AN Y , I NC . 1018 South Wabash Ave. Dept. K.B., Chicago R U S S I A ! In Russia there are thousands o f our Christian brethren and their little ones still living in exile, fear, misery and starvation, as some one recently stated: “ Only the food parcels which we are able to send to these starving and suffering saints, stand between them and destitution.” In their despair they wait upon God and His children in happier countries, who by their prayers and generosity may comfort, help and encourage them. The couple pictured here were banished into exile ten years ago . . . thousands of others have been banished . . . too. , . , Read the inside story concerning their sufferings and how the relief reaches them in a recently published 32-page booklet: “ Russia for Christ and Christ for Russia,” which is sent for free will offering, small or large, by the RU SSIA INLAND RELIEF M ISSIO N , A CO RP. 1265 Broadway Room 610-K _ _ New York, N. Y. Send your offering today and get this timely booklet.

T H R O U G H Y O U — G O D W O R K S

AROUND THE KING’ S TABLE [ Continued, from Page 236] of the church and the glory of God, the wrecker, animated by jealousy, pursues his destructive course and hurts the cause he is set to further. Obstructionists are consistent faultfinders. They look through a magazine, find a minor flaw, and promptly write the editor about their discovery. It never occurs to them to commend anything in the magazine. Sometimes the critic calls himself a fun­ damentalist and finds his greatest joy in heresy-hunting and in telling what is wrong with his brethren. Any one that does not cross his “ t” in the exact manner approved by the critic is labeled a “ heretic” and “ modernist.” It would be well to ascertain the meaning of words before call­ ing names. A person o f the kind we are describing uses the term “modernist” about any one who is persona non grata to him personally. This is unfair and unchristian. A modernist is one who rejects one or all o f the fundamental doctrines of Christian­ ity. The man who accepts and teaches all of the fundamentals of the faith is not a modernist, whatever critics may call him. One of the great needs of the hour is a revival that will convert the “wrecking crew” into a “ construction gang.” All of us should emphasize the positive and con­ structive. W e should help and not hinder, lift and not pull down, encourage and not discourage, build and not destroy. Thereby we will be happier and life will be more fruitful. Above all, our eternity will be richer in the “well done” of our Lord.

gradually toward the extreme West, first from the European continent to London, then across the Atlantic to New York. Some opine that next they may remove to Tokyo— at least, finally, that they will go to Jerusalem. No doubt Jerusalem will be the financial headquarters when the great battle of the future will be fought. This conflict, the war of Armageddon, is very well described in Joel 2:3-9. Verse'3 reads: “A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and noth­ ing shall escape them.” This passage seems to describe the war tanks being made today by many nations: “ They shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded . . . they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses” (vs. 8, 9). This seems to picture men encased in armored tanks on which no ordinary weapons can have any effect. Japan needs to be reminded that there is a message that stands out in Biblical history, a warning which Japan needs to receive and believe for her own present and future good, as well as for the good o f the entire world. W ill she receive this message? It is the warning that it is im­ possible for Japan, or for any other nation, as an unrepenting wrongdoer to escape the consequences of wrongdoing. The laws gov­ erning the moral realm may not be as quick in acting as those prevailing in the physical realm, but they are even more cer­ tain. As one has said, “ God does not pay at the end of every week, but He always pays in the end.”

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