King's Business - 1938-06

June, 1938

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


“ Next Fall May Be Too Late!” • In the welter of a world gone mad, of nation rising against na­ tion, of the terror that stalks in the night, of the arrow that flieth by day, of pestilence, of destruction, of the elements in commotion, is there not a warning in the stark realism of these few sentences taken from a letter recently sent us: “I was going to send the money this fall; but the Lord said, Send it now; next fall may be too late. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if He came this Feast of the Trumpets, the in­ gathering of the Harvest! God does all things in order.” • And here is something for the earnest child of God to think about. What and if He should come at the time of the blowing of trum­ pets on the first day of the Month Tishri ? What and if you were then suddenly caught up to be with Him? Do you not think it would please Him wonderfully that you should now have your part in a testimony that warns Israel of the wrath to come? And do you know a better way to please Him than to snatch a few brands from the burn­ ing, a few1Jewish souls that will be your trophies when at last you lay your burden down and meet Him face to face? • The time is short. That is why we keep reminding you of the privilege of sharing with Him in His yearning over the lost sheep of the House of Israel; and that is why so_ many of the Lord’s choicest saints are counting it a joy to fellowship with us in our God-given task of these last days. Perhaps if you will make it a mat­ ter of earnest prayer, He will lead you also to become a burden bearer with us; and from experience we can assure you it will be a happy day for you. AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS. INC. 31 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y . Dear Friends: Gladly do I enclose $ ?ift for Israel's salvation, “ before it is too late."

She!BibleTamii#Tta#^!ne M otto: "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” — R ev . 1:5.

Volume XXIX

June, 1938

Number 6

School Number TABLE OF CONTENTS ♦ Cover Illustration by Ransom D. Marvin

Around the King’s Table— Paul W . Rood . . . . The Yellow Thorns of the Orient— George Dewey Blomgren . Our Ministry in the Light of His Ministry— ¿//wa / . McClain . 238 You Be the Doctor— Walter Lewis Wilson, M . D ............................240 “ From a Child . . . ” 242 1st Century Gospel— 20th Century Illustration.....................................243 The Bible Institute Family C i r c l e ...........................................................245 Junior King’s Business— Martha S. H o o k e r .....................................247 International Lesson C omm en ta ry...........................................................249 Notes on Christian Endeavor —Mary G. Goodner . . . . 262 Daily Devotional R e a d i n g s .................................................................. 266 Girls’ Query Corner— Myrtle E. S c o t t ................................................... 272 Facts About S c h o o l s ................................................................................. 274 Evangelistic N o t i c e s ................................................................................. 278 World’s Christian Fundamentals A s s o c ia t io n .....................................278 . . 236 237




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