BIFAlink August 24

Policy & Compliance

The state of sustainability in freight forwarding

• 60% of forwarders report that they have been approached by shippers seeking CO 2 e data. A Q&A followed on the topics of: systems integration; API uploads; offsetting versus insetting; practical measures; regulatory changes; and data quality. Members were reminded that the carbon calculator offered by Pledge.IO is accredited by the Smart Freight Centre for all modes in accordance with the GLEC framework and aligned with ISO 14083. Essential measures With the UK government’s stated national target of net zero by 2050, it is essential that forwarders large and small begin to RECORD- REPORT-REDUCE their carbon emissions as soon as possible. An accredited software package is the most reliable way to achieve this. For further information and guidance on beginning your sustainable logistics journey, and to download the full report, visit guidance/technical-information/s ustainable-logistics/

I n the fi rst half of the year, BIFA invited Members to take part in a survey to ascertain the State of Sustainability in Freight Forwarding. The responses were analysed by Pledge.IO and a report on the fi ndings was published at the end of June followed by a webinar attended by around 100 BIFA Members in early July. Reporting requirements Mike Jones, BIFA’s policy advisor – sustainable logistics, welcomed those in attendance and outlined the requirements for reporting of Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions, pointing out that Scope 3 emissions cascade down through the entire supply chain and therefore encompass the activities of all involved, including SMEs. The findings of the survey were

“ It is essential that forwarders large and small begin to RECORD- REPORT-RED UCE their carbon emissions as soon as possible

presented by Greg Herz, Pledge.IO content manager, who made the following points: • Larger forwarders are showing greater preparedness for carbon emissions reporting; • More needs to be done to support SMEs to transition to lower emissions options and to record and report accurately; • Failure to capture carbon dioxide equivalent (CO 2 e ) data may impact a forwarder’s ability to meet customer tender and/or regulatory requirements in the near future;

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