BIFAlink August 24


Customs Policy Group elects a new Vice Chair

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Have you got the following dates marked in your diary? Wednesday 11 September Solent Port Community Meeting Presented by BIFA in conjunction with CNS and covering issues related to the south coast ports. Register to attend. Wednesday 2 October BIFA Freight Service Awards 2024 Deadline for the submission of entries to the BIFA Freight Service Awards 2024 – ENTER NOW. Thursday 10 October BIFA Business Leaders Forum The fourth event in the series aimed at the senior manage - ment teams within BIFA Member companies is scheduled to take place in central London with the developments in the world of AI and their effect on our industry being one subject on the agenda. Places are limited, reserve your spot now. Friday 7 March 2025 BIFA Liverpool Region Dinner Following a break in 2024, the ever- popular Liverpool Region Charity Dinner returns in March 2025. Register your interest now.

BIFA is pleased to advise Members that, during its meeting on 5 June, the Customs Policy Group elected Nick Beauchamp of DSV as its Vice Chair. Nick has been a member of this key Policy Group since 2019, playing an active role in discussions and in connecting with government during this period. Nick has worked at DSV for 10 years and is currently Director - Global Customs, engaged in the DSV digital transformation programme. Previously he was Director of Customs and Security, covering DSV UK and Ireland companies, where he managed the Customs compliance and security functions. This role involved advising DSV and DSV’s

Customs procedures, excise warehousing, implementing AEO programmes and export controls. The BIFA Customs Policy Group meets four times per year and comprises members of the secretariat, representatives from BIFA member companies and invited speakers from HMRC and other relevant government departments and organisations. BIFA members can view the latest meeting minutes at n/policy-groups/ If you have a question about the BIFA Customs Policy Group, please contact Pawel Jarza (

customers on Customs matters. His main areas of specialisation are special

IMO mandates reporting of containers lost at sea

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has recently formally adopted new amendments to its Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regulations. This amendment will require the mandatory reporting of all containers lost at sea from 1January 2026. SOLAS Regulation 31 mandates that the master of a ship involved in the loss of containers must immediately report specific details to nearby ships, the nearest coastal state and the vessel’s flag state. The flag state is responsible for passing this information on to the IMO via a new module in the Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS). The SOLAS regulations outline the reporting process, specifying that reports of containers lost at sea must be made as soon as possible, with updates provided as more

information becomes available. A final count of lost containers must be confirmed after thorough inspection. Mandatory details include the position of lost containers, the number lost and whether any contained dangerous goods. These amendments to the SOLAS Regulations will help

improve maritime safety and environmental protection because lost containers and their contents will be reported more promptly. According to the World Shipping Council’s statistics around 1,500 have been lost annually between 2008 and 2022.

6 | August 2024

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