BIFAlink August 24


STOP PRESS: EES postponed On 18 July, the same day as the BIFAlink TV item on the subject, European leaders announced a delay in implementing the new EU Entry-Exit System (EES) that had been scheduled to go live “sometime in October 2024” as outlined in July’s BIFAlink . The implementation has been postponed until 10 November 2024, with possibility of a further delay of one week. The EES, requiring every non-EU citizen to register biometric data, including fingerprints, at the border threatened to cause delays, especially at the Channel crossings as passengers registered their details. This would inevitably have a knock-on effect on freight operators and supply chains. It is hoped that deferring the implementation date will allow for the development of Apps, which will permit travellers to register their details before travelling to the port, thus minimising delays. The new system will monitor people entering the territory of the EU and their compliance with the 90/180 day rule, a point which all must be aware of. It is important for Members likely to be affected to note this newly announced date and plan how to comply with the EES regime.

BIFA colleagues complete team-building challenges

An important part of planning for the future is to get the team together for brainstorming. So at the end of June, BIFA colleagues gathered on the banks of the River Thames at Henley Business School for two days of training, team building and business planning, providing a great opportunity to get to know each other better, especially those who work remotely and are usually only seen on screen. The first day involved a thought-provoking Personal Resilience Workshop delivered by The Wellbeing Project ( .uk) which highlighted the wellbeing continuum, fixed versus growth mindsets, and

the circle of control identifying aspects of work and personal life that individuals can control, influence or should let go. For something completely different from the day job, this was followed by competitive team-building challenges of archery and cryptic puzzles provided by Team Activity Group ( in the glorious sunshine on the riverbank.

regional Member meetings and the new Business Leaders Forum events, and the ongoing project to ensure that BIFA communications are reaching the correct addressees. After lunch, the four workgroups delivered the outputs of team discussions which will help Steve and the management team formulate actions for the year ahead. Keep an eye on the Director General’s column on page 3 of

The blue team emerged victorious overall before heading for dinner. On day two, Steve Parker provided a recap of last year’s event and a progress update, which included improved Member engagement through the expansion of regular each issue of BIFAlink and announcements via BIFA’s refreshed You Tube channel, BIFAlink TV ( BIFALink_TV), for new initiatives as they come on line. The Limits of Liability for Carriers

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By sea – Hague Visby rules (2 SDR): £2.05 per kg £681.78 per package

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By road – CMR (8.33 SDR): £8.52 per kg

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(The SDR rate on 15 July 2024,

By air – Montreal Convention (22 SDR): £22.50 per kg

according to the IMF website, was 1.02266)

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August 2024 | 7

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