PipeLine-2017-Edition 1-WEB

By: Brenda Payne

W ith the Conference behind us, I would like to take a few minutes to recap the Voices of Women (VOW) meeting. I believe this was the best meeting we have had so far! Thanks to everyone who attended and those who participated in the sessions! We had 28 women in attendance – from owners to employees. The meeting was opened with a time of sharing, called the Mingle game, each person sharing a little about themselves in a roundtable format. Giving everyone a chance to learn something about each other. Our first session was the Customer Service Representative (CSR) Big Board, presented by Bobbi Sullivan. This session covered running CSR report from ServiceTitan. Bobbi is a Mr. Rooter® Plumbing Franchise Consultant for Canada. This session was engaging and informative! We then went into a panel discussion with franchisees; Saunda Kitchen, Pam Hobbs, Kathy St. Croix and Rakhi Rajput. • Saunda discussed, “Work, Life, Balance - How to Work on your Business Instead of in it” and how she delegated duties to her right-hand lady. • Pam presented about, “Organizing Employee Files & Evaluations” She had some great forms she created & willing to share. • Kathy covered phone scripts, should and how they can be updated. • Rakhi spoke on CSR/office protocols that help the operations of the business. This session ended with a Q&A on the topics discussed and other ladies in the audience sharing details of their office. Great presentations by all the panelists! I then introduced our special speakers, Dr. Lynette Reed and Mark Bruckbauer. They presented having a “Personal Intentional Mission Statement & How to Implement a Workplace of Choice Culture”. Dr. Reed is an author, educator and advisor. She is the author of the books “Fixing the Problem” and “Making Changes in

How You Deal with Challenges” . Mark is a Mr. Rooter Franchise Consultant. Their session provided step by step guidance for business leaders and individuals. The last session of the afternoon was a roundtable discussion. Each table picked their topics from a list covering an array of topics, from what works in their business, balancing home and work life to how to have fun in the process in the office. Others topics discussed covered employees, ServiceTitan and Quickbooks. What a great time of sharing! To wrap things up you may be asking, “What is Voices of Women and what is it about?” “This is a unique group of women with one goal in mind, to encourage, empower and support each other. “ We are all busy with work and life. This group was created to give you an outlet for building relationships and support. If you have not attended one of the VOW meetings, I encourage you to give it a try. This is a tremendous group of ladies! They are willing to share their knowledge and challenges on running the business, handling the office or on how to be a support to their spouse. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or anyone on the VOW Committee. If you are interested in being part of the VOW Facebook, just let us know. We will be meeting at Reunion, please make plans to attend and see how we can all work together to be more successful in all we do! Looking forward to seeing you there! VOW Committee Members Pam Hobbs mrrooterseptic@gmail.com Brenda Payne brenda.payne@mrrooter.com Korie Pickett kp.feelfotos@gmail.com Rakhi Rajput kr.mrrooter@gmail.com Kathy St Croix mrrkathy@gmail.com VOW Email vow@mrrootercom


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