Myokinetix Physical Therapy & Performance - May 2023


Myokinetix is for everyone, and we mean it when we say that. It's not just a place for injured athletes but where people in our community can come together and work on becoming their best selves. This includes those who keep our community safe, like firefighter Ryan McPherson. A FIREFIGHTER'S ROAD TO RECOVERY How Ryan McPherson Beat Tendinitis

WHEY PROTEIN Consuming protein with every meal is crucial as it is essential for muscle repair, maintenance, and satiation (feeling full). But sometimes, getting the proper amount of protein is hard if you’re busy. That’s why we recommend whey protein as a quick and efficient supplement anyone can use to accomplish their goals, no matter how busy life gets. If you want to try creatine or whey protein to reach your goals, you can order them through us. Plus, when you buy through Myokinetix, your first order will be 30% off. Just scan the QR code above!

Agency and the World Anti- Doping Agency.

And while Thorne makes many incredible supplements, we want to highlight the two we love the most: creatine and whey protein. CREATINE Creatine is the most researched supplement globally, and its benefits can help more than just athletes. Everyone’s body naturally produces creatine and uses it to help maintain cell efficiency in the brain, heart, and muscles. This makes creatine an excellent supplement for anyone who is looking to help their body perform at its highest level, both mentally and physically.

Before becoming a firefighter, Ryan was a multi- sport athlete and a hall of famer at his high school and college. Then, after graduating

college and playing basketball with the Harlem Globetrotters for a while, he decided to change things up. Two of Ryan's uncles were firefighters, and they suggested that Ryan consider taking the fire test. So, after some consideration, Ryan did, and passed with flying colors.

Now, nine years later, Ryan helps keep our community safe daily by putting his life and body on the line. The gear a firefighter wears

can weigh over 45 pounds, and the constant running and jumping a firefighter goes through can strain their muscles, ligaments, and joints.

After a few years of firefighting, Ryan developed tendinitis in his knee. To help with the healing process, Ryan got a platelet-rich plasma shot, or PRP shot. These shots help accelerate the healing of damaged joints but work best when paired with therapy. However, after receiving the shot, Ryan's fire department participated in a softball tournament, and Ryan decided to play. After the softball game, Ryan's knee was so swollen and sore that he couldn't even kneel down or put pressure on his knee, which is an essential part of his job. "I couldn't even put my knee on the ground, and I knew I couldn't have that with firefighting, too," he said. "I want to stay young and be able to move with all my gear on through fires; I knew something had to change." That's when a mutual friend recommended Ryan stop by Myokinetix. Since then, Ryan has been our client, rehabbing his knee back to full health and maintaining his body's health with regular acupuncture.

Looking for a healthy stir-fry that has all of the delicious flavors and none of the heavy ingredients? This one might be perfect for you! GINGER PORK STIR-FRY


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1 tbsp cornstarch 1 cup orange juice 2 tbsp soy sauce

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1 small onion, sliced 1/4 lb fresh snow peas 1/2 sweet red pepper, julienned

2 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 tsp ground ginger 1 lb pork tenderloin, cut into thin strips

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Cooked rice

Green onion, chopped (optional) Sesame seeds (optional)

2 tbsp canola oil

"Acupuncture mixed with treatment and the one-on-one experience is great. I feel great now!"


1. In a small bowl, whisk cornstarch, orange juice, soy sauce, garlic, and ginger until smooth; set aside. 2. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, stir-fry pork in oil until lightly browned, about 4–5 minutes. Remove pork and add onion, peas, and red pepper. Cook until crisp-tender, about 3–5 minutes. 3. Stir in orange juice mixture and pork. Bring to a boil, and then cook until thickened, about 2 minutes. Serve over rice. Garnish with green onion and sesame seeds, if desired.

We're so happy to have helped Ryan recover from his injury, and we're honored to grow alongside him by helping his body recover after his long shifts through acupuncture.

Ryan, thank you for keeping our community safe and being an incredible part of the Myokinetix family!

973-585-4990 • 3

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