Innersense Color Purity Tech Manual

Holistic Consultation The essence of True Color artistry is grounded in a deep understanding of color theory, the lightening process, underlying pigment, clients’ hair history and the desired result. The art of personalized color formulation lies in our Holistic Consultation. A Holistic Consultation considers the following aspects of the client:

SCALP Assessing the scalp is important because as hair stylists, we have an opportunity to educate our clients on how a healthy scalp supports follicle health, which leads to healthy hair. A sensitive scalp can be a key symptom of color allergens and allergic reaction. While a patch test is key to ruling out sensitivities, Innersense’s innovative 2MD Dye Molecule helps to minimize color reactions. HAIR Observing the fabric of the hair is important. Creating a plan to customize a color starts with realistic expectations and knowing what you have to work with. Hair diameter and condition will directly affect the formulation of color. COLOR HISTORY Understanding the hair’s color history allows you to make educated recommendations, formulate properly and make suggestions for care end results.

LIFESTYLE Understanding the day-to-day activities and lifestyle of your client as well as their maintenance expectation allows you to support them with professional expertise and hair color recommendations. ENVIRONMENT Taking time to understand the climate and environmental factors that affect your client’s hair can help you customize the ideal formula. EMOTION We cannot underestimate the power of our thoughts, emotions, and past hair trauma on the state of hair today. ALLERGY TEST A patch test should always be conducted before coloring hair.



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