
Nécrologie Nécrologie Obituary BÉBÉ CARLY RENAUD LECLAIR Bébé Carly Renaud Leclair, est décédée le mardi 26 juillet 2011, à la naissance. Ses parents Steven Leclair et Roxanne Renaud regretteront toujours ce cher petit ange à peine épanoui. Elle restera à jamais gravée dans le coeur de ses grands-parents maternels; Alain Renaud et Natalie Bédard, ses grands-parents paternels; Stéphane et Nancy Leclair, ses arrière-grands-parents maternels; Rollande Bédard (feu René), feu Henri Berniquez et feu Yvette Renaud, ses arrière-grands-parents paternels; Victor et Lorraine Resbeck, Ovide et Jane Leclair ainsi que sa marraine Geneviève Renaud et son parrain Mike Leclair. Carly sera manquée par plusieurs oncles, tantes, cousines, et amis. La direction des funérailles a été confiée au Salon funéraire Berthiaume Ltée, 416, rue McGill, Hawkesbury (Ont.) 877 632-8511 . Une cérémonie des anges aura lieu dans l’intimité de la famille à une date ultérieure. Pour offrir vos condoléances par télécopieur, composez le 613 632-1065 ou visitez notre site Internet :

A hero remembers a “forgotten war”

Now 79, when he thinks of Korea, he

instructors had fought in the ’39-’45 war.”



Paratrooper training was exciting and at

there,” he says.

times scary. “But the airbornehadprestige.”

“We were well trained but you also had

Berlinguettewas on the front line, onHill

As a boy, Raoul Berlinguette was

to be lucky to survive. We would go out on

355, for only 18 days when a shell exploded

understandably in awe of the young men

nightpatrol andwewouldneverknowwhat

near him. Shrapnel wounds to his left knee


was waiting for us. I guess I was one of the

and hand “ended the war for me.” After

War II.

lucky ones.”

about two months of convalescence, he was

“I was 13 when World War II ended,”

He points out that the veterans of that

sent to a Commonwealth school. He was

recalls the Chute-à-Blondeau native. “The

forgotten conflict deserve recognition.

discharged in 1953.

soldiers really impressed me. There were a

“People should realize that a lot of

When he returned from the war, he

lot of soldiers who came from our village.

Canadians, and a lot of people from this

worked 32 years for Northern Electric.

Theywereheroes. Everyone respected them

area, served during that war.”

very much.”

On the wall of the Berlinguettes’

Some 65 years later, Raoul Berlinguette

Hawkesbury home is a framed letter from

was himself being hailed as a hero, in a far-

the president of the Republic of Korea. Lee

off land.

Myung-bakwrites that during the post-war

Last year, Berlinguette was among a

era, “We Koreansmade a promise to build a


strongandprosperous country thatupholds

honoured by the people of South Korea.

peaceand freedomsol that the sacrificesyou

“We were treated like royalty,” says his

made would not have been in vain.”

wifeElizabeth (neeKirby)Berlinguette,who

“We honour your selfless sacrifice in

is also from Chute-à-Blondeau and who

fighting tyranny and aggression. We salute

accompanied him on the week-long visit to

your courage in enduring the unimaginable

the countryRaoul Berlinguette had last seen

horrors of war. You will always remain our

in 1953.

true heroes and we assure you that we will

While Korea is often referred to as the

continue todo our best tomake youproud,”

“forgotten war,” memories of the conflict

writes Lee Myung-bak.

remainvivid for the veterans and thepeople

Fiddlers, Auction

of South Korea.

During the visit, held to mark the 60 th

The Macdonell-Williamson House, 25

des Outaouais Rd., Chute-à-Blondeau,

anniversary of the start of the war, veterans

Saturday August 6, at 2 p.m. hosts the


VankleekHill “Old Time Fiddlers”while

by people of all ages. “We will remember

Offre d’emploi Opérateur Pour travailler dans la terre noire à Alfred en Ontario de bull cat D5 Mario : 514 838-2384

opening a silent auction. Sunday, August

your sacrifices,” read banners.

7, from noon to 5 p.m., there will be an

Among the many sites they visited was

open house. Call 450-451-5666, or 866-

Hill 355, a location of fierce fighting and an

269-2962 or visit

area that has special significance for

2011 Gathering


of Audet(te) – Lapointe

He had signed up for the military at the

The 9 th

Edition of the Gathering of the

age of 18, and later joined the sniper and

Audet(te) – Lapointe families will be held

scout division of the 22e Regiment. He had

in Gatineau September 24. For

little formal education – he had not finished



grade 8. But he learned a lot in the army. “It

Raoul Berlinguette

was an exceptional experience. All of the


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