

Worldwide a lot of commercial vehicles are equipped with PVC side curtains, commonly called traditional curtainsiders. This traditional curtain runs through a top rail and is fixed with buckles to the chassis. A Penta slider system has rollers both at the top and bottom of the curtain, running through a top and bottom rail. As a result a Penta slider doesn’t need buckles anymore! The Penta slider opens fast; the cargo space is accessible in seconds. The Penta slider is not only fast, but ensures an easy and effortless job. The bespoke locks keep the nicely folded Penta package in a fixed position. No more open blowing curtains; wind doesn’t stand a chance anymore. The folded package can easily switch sides of the cargo space. All this and more using a range of user friendly Penta door systems. On top of this, the value of advertisement can’t be underestimated. The entire curtain surface can be used for striking advertisement or your company logo. Today our Penta gamma features a variation of product lines with dedicated subvariants and options such as SWING.

Penta City Penta Wave Penta Swing


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