
Dear Gee ,

My husband i s dr iving me crazy because he cont inues to dr ink and i s doing so in the house af ter work, at weekends . I t never seems to s top . He does not have a dr inking problem and has a few cans every night but I HATE the smel l of beer around me and I used to dr ink beer when I came in from work . . .How do I tel l him to not dr ink around me as i t makes me anxious?

Hi love ly,

Okay, so f i rs t ly i f your husband i s dr inking a few cans every ni ght af ter work , he does have a probl em. Regular dr inking to that degree would , by def ini t ion, take him into the addi cted category. The NHS al cohol suppor t servi ce advi ses not to dr ink more than 14 uni t s a week on a regular bas i s , thi s i s equi tabl e to 6 pint s of average s t rength beer or seven g lasses of wine . The advi ce i s i f you dr ink on a regular bas i s , spread your dr inking over three or more days . Your husband may think he doesn’ t have a probl em, however , we know al cohol addi ct ion i s on a cont inuum and he def ini te ly meet s the threshold of addi ct ive behaviour . I would cons ider how you have that conversat ion wi th him about hi s behaviour . I f he i s not l ike ly to engage in the conversat ion, he may be in denial and not ready to l i s ten. I t ’ s not easy l iving wi th someone who has an addi ct ion, espec ial ly when you have addressed yours . The dec i s ion then i s what can you do to keep yourse l f safe and happy. There i s he lp out there for him i f he i s wi l l ing to engage . Good luck x


Dear Gee , I am two years on the s traight and narrow and al l i s good BUT every s ingle t ime I hear a s tory of relapse af ter ten years or twenty years I get terr i f ied again. I did Annie Grace and i t worked for me but can ' t unders tand why I keep reading on Ins tagram of people fal l ing of f the wagon. I s there a way to protect me and my sobr iety from thi s? Two years sober , congratulat ions . I would say you have al l the tool s you need to keep yourse l f sober . Reading about other peopl e ’ s re lapse can be ins i ght ful but i t can al so be unhe lpful , espec ial ly i f i t makes you anxious . Remember you are you, you have cont rol of your own des t iny. The tool s you need to keep yourse l f sober wi l l mos t l ike ly be embedded in two years wor th of your dai ly behaviours . The powerful tool you have i s cont rol and autonomy. I f you fee l tempted who and what i s around you? (Contd . on next page )


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