When I started out on this journey I found every website on the planet to tune into to find inspiration, motivation and hope. On day 60 I wrote to the contact address at Soberistas and thanked them for their contribution to the sober space - whomever they were. I did not have a paid membership as I was just reading their online info and presumed my email would go into the trash as who was I? Surprise surprise as late Cilla Black used to say, I woke up to a lovely personal kind email from Lucy Rocca the Founder who thanked me for thanking them. I continue to believe that was one of those sober gold moments when you step back from your computer and say "Wow, this sober community rocks! This Lucy whoever she is, rocks! " Thanks go to Lucy again for answering my email last month when I wanted to include her in Hola Sober August and as before, she responded kindly and openly. Lovely Lucy may your continue to rock and answer frightened women out there in the universe who reach out for support.

Lots of love Susan x

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