What is your sober date? July 10, 2009 Where in the USA do you live? Big Bear City, California

Hiking for Brenda has been a powerful addition to her life and she is and chose to celebrate her 12 YEARS no longer as a slave to alcohol by hiking±! " This is the 21-mile hike I did to the tallest peak in Southern California to celebrate 12 years of sobriety. Being out in nature, that joy I felt climbing up the mountain to the highest point and experiencing the beauty all around me, filled me with so much gratitude for this sober life I live today. On my hike, I am reminded of my good health, my deeper connection to God, and the challenges I’ve overcome that bring me to where I am today. What a gift. " - Brenda McNamara

What program did you use to find sobriety? DUI Court Program. It’s an extensive court-ordered treatment program designed to help keep people sober (in lieu of jail time) over the period of 1-2 years. What is your daily non-negotiable to protect sobriety? Having God in my life first and foremost (Prayer). In addition, hiking has been my “therapy” ever since I got sober. I began hiking when I got sober because I needed another hobby besides drinking. I was bored and didn’t know what to do. I was asked by a friend to go for a hike one day, 12 years ago, and I haven’t stopped since. It’s an absolute necessity that I hike a least once a week, non- negotiable, period. Furthermore, daily exercise and good nutrition have been life-changing and something I must practice daily. What is your top tip for sobriety? Willingness: The willingness to do absolutely whatever it takes to stay sober another day. Surrender: Surrendering daily to a higher power that works best for you and staying “connected” to it throughout the day.

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