contd., Sobriety + body image

@gardenyarns Usually found knitting, gardening or daydreaming on a beach. Bookish, nerdy and really into studying. Married. Very happily sober 31.12.18.

We have chats in the sea , do a bi t of swimming , scream when the waves hi t us , run away f rom jel l yf i sh , s lurp cof fee af terwards and I am gr inning and buzz ing al l day . And that photo on Insta - I am the one in the middle - the response I got was unreal . I thought I would have people comment ing on my bel l y . What I got was other women tel l ing me they were going to do i t too , that I had gi ven them courage . And thi s i s how we l i f t each other up - we show each other we are more than a body , more than a glass of wine and we encourage each other and show up for each other whether in real l i fe or onl ine . I t ’ s magic . My body i s an inst rument and not an ornament - and i t ’ s my body and I don ’ t need anyone el se to approve of i t - I don ’ t ex i st to be looked at . I ex i st to ex i st , to embrace the moments as they come and go , to l i ve . I f you need me , I ’ l l be in the sea .

| AUGUS T 202 1 • HOL A SOB E R |

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