August Pick from Susan

The ul t imate sober t reat for me thi s month i s f rom Ladenac Mi lano founded by Pat r ick Douenat and Stefano Chi r ico . My new candle f rom the ' Boi s du Russ ie ' col lect ion by Pat r ick Douenat was inspi red by the famous eggs of the Russ ian Tsars . I got the whi te egg ceramic des ign wi th gold st r ipes ( 18K gold ) and a rhinestone f ini sh at the top . The candles are made wi th 100 % natural wax and wicks of pure cot ton , wi th a s low burn , radiat ing a br ight , warm glow . I t retai l s in Europe at 75 , 00 € but to me , i t i s a funct ional beaut i ful piece of ceramic that I now have on my dresser in the l i v ing room br inging joy into the room . For me , hav ing found my f reedom f rom the wine glass , I f ind mysel f wi th ext ra money each month and use i t to t reat mysel f and in thi s purchase , the whole fami l y have benef i t ted . Go for i t ladies , i t i s a joyful piece ! ! L o t s o f l o v e Su s a n

www . ladenac . com @ ladenacmi lano

August Pick from Colette

I t ’ s the season for farmers markets ! Local f resh vegetables and let ' s be honest , nothing tastes bet ter than homemade baking and preserves that you f ind at every farmer ' s market ! Fi l led wi th wonder ful ar t i san ar ts and craf ts and for me thi s month I took a stal l doing tarot card readings at a local market and i t was a blast ! I was a stal l - older at the Giml i Farmers Hal l market , which for more than 80 years Farmers Communi ty Hal l was the hear t of many local fami l ies ’ special events in the Inter lake Region of Mani toba . Since i ts re - opening in 2014 , Farmers Hal l cont inues to evol ve wi th many new upgrades , developments and enhancements . What i s unchanging i s i ts rust ic count ry charm , warm and inv i t ing atmosphere and of course , the prai r ie v i stas and spectacular sunsets . Wherever you are in the uni verse I would urge each of you to go f ind your own local farmers market as there i s nothing bet ter than a hangover - f ree Saturday morning spent brows ing the t reasures of your local area . L o t s o f l o v e Co l e t t e

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