Dear Sober Queens ,

Throughout the pandemic l iving in a ci ty under a dai ly assaul t f rom Covid_19, the most important f i f teen minutes of our day was at 8.00 p.m. That was the appointed hour throughout Spain when we the ci t i zens took a moment to acknowledge the sel f less work being done by the f ront l ine staf f in a s imple but power ful gesture of giving them a night ly round of applause. Af ter the clapping was done neighbours took the t ime to stay on the f ront steps for an extra few minutes chatt ing over fences and wal l s enqui r ing about each other ' s fami ly , heal th, and wel l -being. I found thi s dai ly inter lude so very important each night and wi thout a doubt i t brought our l i tt le communi ty so much closer together and I know I could go out onto my f ront step r ight now and shout help and neighbours would appear . I f ind that hugely comfort ing, that one word uttered into the ear ly morning Madr id sunl ight and back-up would arr ive. Yesterday a young actor in Austral ia died way too young and as messages poured onto social media one caught my eye f rom an actress who had acted alongs ide him in one of the popular day- t ime-soaps . “Please reach out . Ask i f people are doing okay . And tel l someone i f YOU'RE not okay! Yel l over the fence, cal l , message, Facebook, whatever i t takes . I 'm no expert but surely shar ing your fears , anxiet ies , dark thoughts must help lessen thei r impact . ”Lynn McGranger So my f i rst quest ion to you thi s morning i s , are you okay? I f not… Yel l over the fence… And i f sobr iety i s not st icking or making sense. .Yel l over the fence… Yel l over the fence i f… - I f you do not accept ethyl alcohol , or ethanol in al l alcohol ic dr inks when consumed heavi ly and dai ly overwhelms your l iver , and excess alcohol ci rculates through every organ in your body , including your brain. - I f you do not accept that your voice i s one of your most unique features , let ' s be honest i t i s how people recogni ze you have your own di st inct ive tone and cadence. Alcohol dehydrates you, thi s damages your larynx and vocal cords . Furthermore, i t i rr i tates the mucous membranes in your throat and in the long term can cause damage to the voice. - I f you do not accept that alcohol destroys your skin because i t dehydrates you and plays havoc wi th the largest organ in the body leading to rosacea, premature ageing, wr inkles , redness , and i rr i tat ion. Alcohol al so causes your pores to clog and can lead to acne and other skin condi t ions .

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