CCI-Review 2022-23 #3

From the Archives—Your Maintenance Checklists

Condo living and home ownership isn’t for everyone. With ownership, comes responsibility for maintenance. Each season, it’s a good idea to review a maintenance checklist like the ones below, to make sure you’re taking care of your unit in the best way possible! This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it’s a good one to get you started.. Get ahead of the maintenance so you can enjoy the months ahead without stressing.

Spring Condo Maintenance Checklist ☐ Change furnace filter ☐ Check attic insulation ☐ Check sump pump operation ☐ Clean humidifier (if you have one) ☐ Test and reset exterior ground fault circuit interrupters (GFIs) ☐ Test smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

☐ Check driveway and walks for frost damage ☐ Check water heater for proper operation ☐ Turn on exterior water supply ☐ Check window and door caulking for air/water leaks ☐ Check exterior finishes

☐ Ensure that windows are operating properly, screens are intact ☐ Clean your window and door tracks (vacuum and wipe/wash) ☐ Have annual maintenance done on your furnace and air conditioning system

Summer Condo Maintenance Checklist

☐ Inspect air conditioner to ensure proper operation ☐ Check sump pump operation ☐ Check and repair caulking around windows/door, ensure locks are secure ☐ Test and reset exterior ground fault circuit interrupters (GFIs) ☐ Sound test smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors ☐ Wash and repair screens ☐ Air out basements on a dry, sunny day ☐ Clean the clothes dryer exhaust duct, damper and space under the dryer ☐ Clean exhaust fans and vents in kitchen and bathrooms ☐ Ensure relative humidity level within the home is between 35 and 50% ☐ Check all window wells to ensure drain is not blocked with debris

Enjoy the sunshine and all the seasons can offer in the months ahead.

CCI Review 2022/2023 - 3 March 2023 Page 24

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