
anesis therapy Call: (608) 268-6530

pressive structures, our team is dedicated to dis- mantling harmful narratives that pathologize or stigmatize mental health experiences. Instead, we embark on a journey of understanding, contextu- alizing each client within the broader tapestry of their social, economic, and political realities while upholding their intrinsic value and dignity.

This commitment to linguistic diversity un- derscores our dedication to meeting clients at the intersection of language and culture, fos- tering a sense of comfort and connection in the therapeutic process.

At our center, the therapeu- tic journey is a collaborative endeavor marked by authen- ticity, creativity, and joy. Our approach is characterized by meeting clients where they are, co-creating a roadmap for healing that is both em- powering and supportive. By blending clinical expertise with community insights, we foster an environment where individuals feel seen, heard, and validated—a space where healing transcends mere re- covery to encompass transfor- mation and growth. Anesis Therapy stands as a tes- tament to the power of cultur- ally informed mental health

Established in 2016 by the visionary Myra Mc- Nair, Anesis Therapy represents a beacon of culturally sensitive men- tal health care in Dane County. As a state-cer- tified DHS clinic, we offer a spectrum of ser- vices encompassing mental health support, substance abuse treat- ment, and comprehen- sive case management. Our diverse team mir- rors the communities we serve, ensuring that our interventions are

grounded in lived experiences, intergeneration- al wisdom, and a profound understanding of community dynamics. Language diversity is a cornerstone of our inclu- sivity at our center. With services offered in En- glish, Spanish, Turkish, and Hmong, we prioritize linguistic accessibility to ensure that individuals can engage with therapy in a language that reso- nates with their unique identity and background.

care, enriching the lives of individuals by weaving together the threads of culture, com- munity, and compassion. Our commitment to holistic healing, rooted in respect, empa- thy, and inclusivity, paves the way for a future where mental wellness is not just a goal but a fundamental aspect of thriving within vibrant, resilient communities. Join us at on a journey towards healing, empowerment, and commu- nity-centered care.

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